Warranty period in EU

My 5k+ has flickering white dots issue. Recently I contacted them for a replacement of the cable, this is what I got, out of 1 year warranty:

“ Sorry for the trouble. The technical support team confirmed the issue was caused by cable. But I have checked your order and found it has passed the warranty period. We offer one year warranty. You received the item in March 2019, but you contacted us in May 2020. So I am really sorry we cannot offer a free new cable. If you need, you can buy a new cable at the following link:

I live in EU, this is where the product was shipped to. Isn’t any electronics in EU are at least 2 years warranty by Law? Anyone has similar experiences?


This is why we should buy only in the EU. It is the only way to force them to keep the european legislation. I guess this is why they prefer to sell from there. I’m sorry your cable only lasted less than 1 year. I hope we won’t have the same trouble.


You may want to check this page: Your rights when shopping in the EU - Your Europe
and select “buying from outside of EU”.


This is what I got by selecting outside EU: EU consumer rules cover goods and services that have been bought in the EU . However, if you buy from a non-EU online trader who has specifically targeted EU consumers you should also be covered by EU rules, but you may find it difficult to assert your rights with a trader who is based outside the EU.

Basically we should have 2 years warranty…


I am not sure that Pimax targets “specifically” EU, maybe it does, you however are clearly on your own to prove it and then convince Pimax to honor that policy, as clearly EU has no means to enforce it. So far Pimax never acknowledged that they are even aware of this law.


Yeah this is the tricky part… one of the dangerous dealing with Pimax…

When you did buy it from Pimax they did specify 1year warrenty. And yes EU have other rules with is why product usaly is more expensive in EU but that is Companys that sell in EU.

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Also why it is so hard to get them to ship from an EU warehouse? If there is a business presence and operation sending stuff then it is liable to this warranty?

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They have a warehouse IN the EU, I don’t see how they can argue they don’t target EU customers.

Not sure how you’d go about getting them to enforce it though, some sort of EU body complaint I guess.


How many off you are willing to pay 10% more on the price? that is about were the extra cost is for 2year warranty.

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It really comes down to where you buy online. If you bought it from Amazon.eu you’d be covered for sure as your not importing the item.

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If EU laws don’t affect foreign companies, then how comes GPDR affects Google and so on?

the same goes for sales tax on Games / online content sales - the point of sale is considered to be in the EU and foreign companies now have to pay sales tax on transactions by any EU customer

the fact is if you want to sell IN TO the EU you have to abide by EU laws for doing so, Pimax are very clearly targeting EU customers and therefore should abide by certain rules like 2 year warranty, the other choice is they stop having an EU warehouse and shipping to EU customers

I am not trying in any way to defend Pimax (I have actually raised that issue several times in the past, but left without even an acknowledgement from Pimax), but I guess there are certain distinction to see when one may “specifically target EU market” and when not.

Buying from big names (Apple, Samsung, LG) basically you do not have a choice (I cannot buy Apple products in US online store and have it shipped, I have to use EU based store, usually in the same country I am in). The same goes for example for Steam games, at the beginning Valve sold to the whole world in USD prices, then they started differentiating the territories by pricing (in EU in euro, it is typically the most expensive even after calculating the VAT).

So when they are allowed to have “specific” pricing for EU, they are clearly “targeting the EU market specifically” and also required to abide to the specific EU law and provide the 2-year warranty.

On the other hand, when I buy a phone from some anonymous shop on aliexpress which also happens to ship into the EU, I can see difficulties in proving it targets “specifically” EU market.


You target a market by making your product available, that‘s the entire legal gist of it.

But there is close to no way to legally enforce it, if purchased outside the EU. If OP ordered his HMD via a European reseller, be it amazon or your independent radio shack around the corner within a European country, he‘d be entitled to a 2 year warranty and could take the reseller to court successfully if not honored.


That is not enough. If you bought it from Amazon DE (I think they have some 5k+ there) then you get 2 years warranty (but also higher price).

When you buy outside EU and just ship it here then you don’t have extra warranty. I am not sure how would you even enforce it as such shops reside outside EU jurisdiction. At best you could forbid them selling here which would be pretty bad for customer (now you can choose if you accept less warranty and if not no one forces you to buy).

On the other hand most people who asked got one replacement cable so it would not hurt them to show some goodwill in this case as it is known problem. My already replaced cable is showing the same problem again after 1 year (but I did not ask for 2nd replacement, maybe I will buy one if they put it on Amazon DE or I will just wait for 8kX and live with sparkling dots in dark scenes until then).

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Pimax have a warehouse in the EU and when you order on their website it is shipped to you from within the EU - according to the EU regulations this makes it an EU supplied product and liable to the 2 year warranty, of course how you would go about enforcing it is an entirely different matter, if you paid by credit card there is a non-zero chance you could get a refund or repair through that route.

Agreed they should ship it to you from China so you pay as much or more than Amazon instead of saving you money whom bought the item outside of the EU.


Updates: Pimax has given me $20 coupon to buy a new cable…

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This is nothing, the cable is very expensive. I guess you have to buy it from Pimax directly then there are additional shipping and taxes costs! My Pimax has no working screens and out of garanty. I have to buy a new cable too. Better buy it from here https://immersive-display.com/de/, total 87 Euro inkl shipping and very fast!!


Final update: I have ordered the replacement cable from pimax website. After two weeks, they are just not able to ship my order… Don’t know how long do I still to wait…

I mean I enjoyed the headset very much, but when it comes to customer service, this is it.

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