VR News for 2025

So we’re in a new year now so lets start a 2025 News thread.

What are your predictions for 2025?

I think we’re hear from Bigscreen and DPVR by May of this year.

Collection of coverage on the RTX 50series

Not really much of a bump save AI features like frame generation insertion.

Yeah the 5090s are a massive disappointment. Massive expense for small increase in performance and massive watt draw. Crazy.

I’m sticking to the 3080 for another 2 years I think.


Indeed maybe good if you’re into flat gaming or ai workloads. Otherwise by the looks of it a lackluster release. Using misleading gimmicks to make it look like a massive upgrade over the 40series

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My prediction for 2025?

Valve will announce their new “deckard” VR system in April, open pre-order in May for release end of June :scream_cat:


Honestly, personally I’m not even that interested in Deckard at this point. I’m assuming Deckard will have about the same price point as the original Index, so around $1000. For that kind of money you just can’t create a high-end VR headset. So no way it will feature Crystal/AVP like resolution, more likely around the 3k*3k max or it might even be below that. I’m sure it will be a (very) decent headset but I’m not expecting anything ground breaking.

Just like @twack3r said I won’t be buying any headsets anymore that will be a step back from the AVP visual fidelity and also PT cams. So just like @twack3r said, I most likely won’t be even buying a new headset in 2025 … Might not even be 2026 neither.


New Asus headset “Tarius” deep in development according to this leak: x.com


I am going to stick with my 4090 for the time being, no need to upgrade, certainly not at that cost (and would need to upgrade the power supply too).

As for a new headset, I will stay calm. A Super with 50 PPD lenses if executed well could draw my attention, but that will take another year, and if they ever focus on making the 50 PPD lenses work properly is up in the air. The positive here would be that it would come as a proper optical engine as they call it, so not just plugging in new lenses while yelling „screw the calibration!“.

But my fear is that they will not focus enough on it and it will suck, just like their current 57 PPD sucks due to the distortion correction not being good enough yet. It seems to be a major effort, so I unfortunately believe they will be happy if they eventually manage to get it somewhat right for their main optical engine, and not bother about putting in the efforts for the alternative one. Especially if the microOLED optical engine is next in line waiting to be refined too.

So I will keep an eye on other headsets and will likely get me the Quest 4 - if it releases this year. Could be a pretty modest year in terms of investment into VR, which isn‘t that bad tbh, other hobbies have beautiful daughters too, so to say.


Maybe the Quest Pro replacement.


@Djonko @twack3r you might be interested in this if not aware yet.


Mkv 3d bluray. Support by the looks of for other headsets as well. Guess by ss still coming for avp

Topic on r/VisionPro


Really good info on AVP lenses design & setup. Interestingly the AVP has around 34 PPD with possible non linear center potential of 40PPD.

@twack3r as an owner of both the AVP and XR4 do you find the XR4’s higher PPD has more clarity despite it’s other shortfalls? Imagine the poor stereo Overlap & Mura along with software instability on Varjo has been some of the issues. Which is sad for it’s price point+ subscription to use.

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I am actually about to send back both the OG XR4 as well as the RMA XR4 Varjo provided.

The shadows and tiger stripes were just not acceptable to me at that price point but I have to say, Varjo’s Support staff were super helpful and friendly to deal with.

The XR-4 has a way brighter screen, more FOV, no motion blur.

In terms of clarity I’d say it’s very similar, with the AVP just a little softer. But in QuadViews the XR-4 is breathtaking and very crisp.

I am just about to give the AVP a go with a tesflight fork of ALVR and the SurrealTouch controllers; the fork enables 40ppd rendering in the center of the FOV, unfortunately not tracked.


It is ashame indeed with the Varjo XR4’s price point to have those visual issues; Seb also said the Stereo Overlap was poor. It would be neat for sure to see Quadviews as with the renderer it should really shine

Definitely looking forward to hear on your Test flight with the AVP in ALVR with controllers. With your evaluation.

Looks like Samsung is also going with the Ski Goggle look/design of the AVP

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So January came and January went and no Crystal Super Launch. Add it to the list. Now showing Q1 2025.


As someone who was 5k+ owner and have been following the scene since cv1, pimax has always been consistent in over promising and under delivering.

I was looking at the crystal light to replace my G2 but their Amazon pricing in the uk makes no sense. Buying directly isn’t an option as I have no interest in dealing with pimax directly for any issues.


My VR news? Started a second play through of the first “Into the Radius” this time with the RTX 4080. I understand the game much better this time so spending money wisely and getting further quicker.

Having a #cking amazing time with my lighthouse and Dmas equipped Crystal with Index controllers. It looks very pretty at full resolution :heart_eyes:


So three Youtubers now have the MeganeX 8K - let‘s see what they say once they have done a proper review. Seb was fast to post a first impressions video, as is good custom by now he considers it the best VR headset ever and his new favorite…
I am sure it is quite nice, and was surprised that he said that despite the measured FoV being only 94h & 94v, it felt slightly bigger to him than the Pimax Crystal‘s and Bigscreen Beyond’s FoV.

I am hesitating to dish out 2k for any headset just pushing the pixel count (okay, and comfort & blacks), I want to see this extra resolution used for a substantially greater FoV.
I guess this is the main reason I am still following Pimax‘ adventures; nobody else even pretends to care about a wider FoV. Instead they push the PPD which is nice for using the headset for a virtual monitor in a work setup, but I don‘t need the push to 40 PPD and beyond and much rather would see a push to 130 degrees horizontally and beyond.
Alas, not to be it seems.