VR Days in Zurich are You going to visit?

Hey guys just wanted to mention for all VR enthusiasts: In Zurich (Switzerland) will be a VR festival.


VRDAYS Zurich - Virtual Reality Festival
29/30. September 2018
Hall 622, Zurich-Oerlikon
opening hours
Sat 10 am to 7pm
Sun 12am to 6pm
1 day: CHF 19.-
Festivalpass: CHF 25.-

The VRDAYS Zurich let the visitor dive into the world of virtual reality for two days and forget everything.
• Exhibition on the topics: education, art, games, production and development
• Workshops
• VR Cinema
• fusion arena (multiplayer gaming arena)
• Art demonstrations
• National + international VR artists
• VR lounge
• Gaming area
• VR installations
• Multi-user experiences
The VRDAYS Zurich show all facets of VR and AR (Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality).
In addition to an exhibition, the visitors get an insight into the development and research of VR projects and can try out various applications themselves. There are also various workshops for beginners and professionals.
On the show stage there are demonstrations on the subject of “VR and AR”. National and international virtual reality artists show what is possible with the new art in the field of art. On display are art installations, in which the visitors can partly also help to design a work of art themselves.
In VR arenas “battles” take place, where several players can compete against each other. If you want to be in the middle of a movie, visit VR cinema.

For German speaking interested persons I will have a live givaway on 7pm for 5x 2 tickets for Sunday 29.09.18 on my channel HanksVR.

Hope to see You guys.


Grüezi & thx for the info, I didn’t know about that! Unfortunatelly i have to work that whole weekend.but maybe you can post some impressions on youtube?
Have fun!

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Ohh thats too bad. But yes I will post my impressions :wink:

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I cant join this year unfortunately… cant afford it hehe…

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I’m watching You next time You’re on :joy::grin:

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