Voodoo DE demos Pimax to Nathie and VR Oasis

Here’s the impressions: PS Excuse the pedo in the top right corner :slight_smile:


mmm they are not that impressed with it,thats a pitty…

They even said that they dont mind the smaller vield off view of the current headsets,

and wouldnt grab the pimax if they had the choice to pick one if they have both headsetss at home…

I just took a 3 minute peek into it - when the one guy said that the wide fov is an issue he explained that to be because you have to stretch the picture over a greater space and therefore it gets distorted…

Well, I switched it off again at that point. If they are at that point of „knowledge“ of the subject it won‘t be a terribly informed discussion, to say the least, so what‘s the point listening to it. We know it‘s not perfect, and they have been less than enthusiastic about it all the way so they clearly are looking for other aspects to be improved in a VR headsets than the Pimax offers, which is why it never appealed to them that much, I guess.

Which is fine and admittedly I don‘t watch their streams so I don‘t even know what they actually use VR for. Perhaps somebody who watched it completely can condense it and inform us if they said anything noteworthy, interesting to add to our discussions ?


I agree with what he says though. He also mentions the geometric ‘distortion’ (stretching) of the image near the edges as the biggest downside. That’s exactly what I think, I’ve mentioned this too as the current biggest problem. Regarding the FoV, to me it really depends on the game. On some game it almost adds nothing. In other games (Skyrim!!) it’s really a huge change, in my opinion. Maybe that’s why they weren’t too impressed with the FoV, maybe they didn’t demo the right games. One example is Arizona Sunshine in horde mode, not sure why but in this game the FoV doesn’t add much in my opinion. In Skyrim it really was the difference, at least for me, for not finding the game interesting to play at all and wanting to play and play it for hours.

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Yeah that’s not the reason for the distortion at all. I’m 99% sure it’s because eye tracking is needed for such huge lenses, to apply dynamic distortion correction. It’s really just the same effect as if you do the Vive lens mod (with Gear VR lenses) without applying the new distortion profile.



The guy at the bottom expected to be floored with seeing a wide field of view and wasn’t. He basically says the distortion bothers him (did he try 150 FOV?) and he doesn’t need a wide field anyway. I can’t relate to a “who needs it?” attitude when it come to wide FOV in VR.

The guy at the upper left is totally out of touch. He thinks the standard 110ish FOV is going to be stretched in the Pimax unless the game developers redo their games to work in wide FOV. (I wondered about that too… about a year ago!)


Well it’s still quite visible at 150 FoV. So much that also to me it’s the nr 1 thing Pimax should fix. I’ve said before that unless they fix this, this HMD won’t take over the world for sure and these guys seem to echo that.


Yeah seems to be a rerun of the first tested review. However some titles I do beleive the FoV is forced/stretched on some titles. However tge distortion is a property of the rendering/lenses in the far peripheral.

I think this is the problem:

Where “A” and “B” are two iris positions. If you look at the object in the virtual world with your peripheral view, so looking straight (“B”), then you look at the object through a different part of the lens than when you look at it directly (“A”). The lens profile at the edges needs way more distortion correction, yet since the Pimax currently doesn’t know your iris position it just uses a single distortion parameter for every part of the lens, while in fact this should be corrected for your iris position.

(BTW, the ‘object in virtual world’ is of course actually just an object shown on the display panel: its size/shape doesn’t change on the panel when iris position changes, BUT you see it through different parts of the lens when iris position change and thus you’d need different distortion profiles)

@Sean.Huang @PimaxSWD @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu


I turned it off after 2 or 3 minutes… these guys are badly informed about the HMD and it’s embarrassing to see what they say and discuss with not the slightest clue… but I like their braveness, airing such a video, although they all made fools out of themselves…!


Well I think they’re only (probably) wrong about the stretching of the rendering, I personally think that has nothing to do with the distortion problem, but that pimax needs eye tracking, just like StarVR used to solve the problem.

Let this video be another warning to Pimax: get working on eye tracking and fix this problem ASAP if you want to take over the hearts of every VR enthusiast @PimaxVR @Matthew.Xu @Sean.Huang otherwise it just won’t happen.


Yeah that is a huge (impossible?) hurdle to overcome with lens design only (no eye tracking and compensation). But hopefully the image is acceptable with eyes forward. (Is it? You would know, though it is subjective.) And I think my natural reaction to peripheral stimulation will be to turn my head for a glance. Though I doubt I’d turn it completely to face the object head on and so will still have some distortion.

But for the price I’ve paid I don’t expect miracles… Jeez I won’t get mine until late Jan at best. :disappointed_relieved:

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Well pimax always said they wanted to bring eye tracking to the HMD, so they should be able to do that. After that, fixing it in software should be very simple. I personally think they should just integrate the eye tracker in their commercial version, just like StarVR did.


I do think it’s still ‘acceptable’. And remember, some people don’t even see the problem at all (like @Ludiks) so it certainly is personal too. Some may mind, some won’t and some even won’t see it. But to become a huge commercial success and number 1 selling HMD, I think they really need to fix it to achieve that goal. And rather sooner than later because more (video) reviews like this will be coming up for sure.

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Well that’s good to hear. Thanks BTW for your (and the many others) evaluations. It really helps us late backers make our 5k+ vs 8k decision. And after all descriptions I’ve read of many experiences I doubt I will be surprised by what I see when I finally get to strap mine on. If anything I bet I’ll be more pleasantly surprised than the opposite. (Though I do recall you said that after the polish wears off the negatives can come back to nag at you!)


The biggest trick. Just play. If you search for flaws in any headset you will find them.

Like a magic trick sometimes its best to just enjoy the show. :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:


Isn’t that the same “distortion” you have with ultrawide monitors? I see this stretching quite heavily in WoW for example, but for me its not that bad. I love my ultrawide despite that…

I don’t have such monitor, but it does sound interesting. The main reason though why I figure it’s not a rendering problem though is that supposedly the StarVR doesn’t have this problem at all. If it was a rendering problem, the StarVR would also suffer. Yet the difference between the starvr and the pimax is that the starVR actually does have eye tracking with distortion correction. So that’s why I believe my theory above is correct.


By ultrawide 21:9+? If so does WoW support tge aspect properly?

Man you sound more like Sweviver every day!! :grin: