Viveport is amazing it's saved me so much money. Stride is available now

No viveport doesn’t cause any issues now. It has been very stable for me. Viveport and Viveport infinity are the same platform. Viveport Infinity games are those on the service that you can play for free with your subscription to the service. You can either launch the games from the Viveport software, from Steam or directly from Pimax Experience.


Yup Viveport is pretty amazing now.

It reminds me of how when Android first came out it was a crash ridden, hacky mess most of the stuff on there seemed sketchy and would probably give you viruses.

Today Google play is a pretty standard well curated piece of software that I would trust.

Viveport now is so much better than the hot trash it was at launch. I honestly think it was Vive’s failure at hardware lately that caused their software to take priority.

Its all they have really. And its basically Netflix for VR games.


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More Reasons to Love Viveport.