Viveport Infinity How devs make money?

Im a subscriber to vi eport infinity and I actually love it. Its a great way to experience alot of titles on my Pimax that you would either have wasted money buying just to try, or wasting time to have to refund on steam if and when it sucks.

There are alot of legit VR titles on there too. Like the recent update to 3DSen , i can play without having to fork out the $30 asking price

Ive been a member for a few months now and have already had to buy a dedicated hard drive to hold the sheer amount of titles Ive gotten recently.

But onto my question.

How do developers make money?

I recently saw this article stating that they were getting 100% revenue share for putting their games up for subscription.

  1. What is the normal revenue share?

  2. So lets say there are 500 games on viveport and I have a game up there, how do they calculate how much I would make per month? Is it based on a users playtime

subscription cost is i think like $100 a year so is it

best guess I can make is

lets say viveport has 10000 users subscribed at $100 a year. So thats 10000*100/12 = $ 83000 per month

would vive port split that amongst the devs based on playtime reported? snd then vive take 30%?

Im curious becase of two reasons even though Im not a dev

Iā€™d like to know if Vive is actually helping VR by absorbing some of the cost and giving devs more profit.(That would be a very nice considering the only company that seems to be doing that is Oculus, snd HTC i my eyes are a very greedy company regarding their hardware pricing)

Second I like to know that my money is actually going to the right place and not just lining HTCs pockets

For certain devs whos games I never bought but have access to now, like windlands 2 are they making some of my money.

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