Very positive 8K-X pre-release unboxing (MRTV)

and i don’t think to call this an unboxing has a bad intention, it’s @mixedrealityTV humor and he did this before. The only thing, i find such a disclamer too dramatic, i know pimax is working very hard to overcome the support thing, just mention how things are at the moment, the positive feedback about support is growing also and this way it will continue to haunt them while they are trying hard to improve.
Youtubevideo’s will stay there for a long time.


I think It’s a perfect disclamer, for EU people buy Pimax by Amazon I think It’s the only logical way.


I don’t really understand why @mixedrealityTV keeps telling that the Pimax support is bad.

My understanding is (from what I’ve heard and read and also from my own experiences) that their support is actually pretty fast, atleast when it comes to answering the tickets.

Besides that, @PimaxQuorra is often here solving the problems.


I can see what you are saying as it was a bit dramatic. Personally I liked it because IMHO was true and also gave balance to the overwhelming positive feedback that followed (I did wander at the time if the disclaimer was the underlying reason for some people’s strong response).


Yeah i think the disclaimer has something to do with that. If i would read that not knowing anything about pimax i wouldn’t want to do anything with them, it would be more fair to explain the situation more carefully. More like explaining the production is just beginning and ramping up, support is in the fase of growing and improving, so wouldn’t recommend preordering.
Now with this disclaimer, Pimax gets bad onesided dramatic feedback about support for free while they sending an 8kX to him. I think they won’t like this, it could have been more carefull as it also fuels the onesided articles from UploadVR this way


Are we reading the same forum? Threads keep popping up where people have to post publicly, usually after weeks or months of not getting support, to then get support via the forum instead of using the actual support system.


experiences are still very mixed. As support is ramping up it is impossible that suddenly all is good. It takes time to grow and the percentage of dissatisfied people to diminish.


I like the MRTV channel and particularly the Pimax coverage. CES reporting was great!
But imho unbiased reviews can speak for themselves, they shouldn’t need a THIS IS UNBIASED label all over the place, at all times.
Buying at Amazon or Alternate can be a good hint atm. And telling the audience what support to expect atm. and pinpointing concrete areas where e.g. support has to be improved is good to know for both potential buyers and Pimax. But doing it constructively would definitely earn extra points in my book.
Let the watchers decide by themselves whether the channel is very very good and unbiased :wink:
But imho a good channel all in all!


Yeah, it was a bit provocative, didn’t understand that part either. So you are one of the first YT to get an 8KX and then you start your video off by saying the company is actually sh!t that you wouldn’t trust them as far as you can throw them ? That is the message which many people at least may think you are trying to convey there.

But that’s Seb, he likes to be a drama queen at times, needs something to fill the many hours of his livestreams after all. I guess it’s really tough if you go all in and try to make a living of your hobby.

That kind of dilemma of course may have made it a bit tricky for Pimax on how to deal with these guys - friend or foe ? Actually it should be neither but just plain unbiased, but as human beings having a relationship with Pimax they aren’t, and it seems to swing to the one and the other side at times…

In any case, Marcin didn’t handle it well… hope he gets some sleep. I bet he must be regretting losing his temper yesterday.

Hopefully he will learn from it this time: you’re a YT ? Okay, rant along all day if you must. You’re a rep for a company ? Take insults on the chest, go to the war room with colleagues and then have a sleep over the result and decide the next day which response to issue.


@jeroen, well said. It’s quite baffling when someone says the support is a disaster and the other says the opposite.


Don’t want to go off topic too much but MRTV is one of my favourite channels probably along with FReality & RenderedReality (I miss VR Roundtable). RenderedReality seem to have quite a balanced view on Pimax ie good and bad points. FReality have quite a downer on them, rarely mentioned and when they do roll their eyes. I believe Mike from FReality was a kickstarter years ago, like many still waiting for his full package and feels a little burnt.


I think what we need to understand is. While there is likely more people happy with the improvements to support. It is well known happy customers are mostly silent, while those with issues are often more in the lime light.

What we need is more folks posting their positive experiences with support. Honest ones that show how it started and how it was completed.

It is is very easy to dwell on the negative experiences because they are often loud and angry.

Support has improved drastically in a short period of time recently. Sure some are still waiting on resolutions. It will come.

I had an employer who was always great at pointing out how employees could do better and what they were doing wrong. But you’d never hear him compliment any of the good work that people did.


And support isn’t one person. Different people, different levels of knowledge, language comprehension, authority to decide and time they can take per ticket. They definitely have people that are good in all these departements. Probably these look primarily at the more complicated tickets (which some of mine were), which could explain why I only had good experiences up to now. If they can provide that level consistently then I think there would be little reason for complaints.

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Only cost $500 and a little over two years to get to this point. Imagine what they can do with $1300 from each of us and 4 years!


Yeah, we still got the same actors though.


Perhaps start a thread asking which Pimax users have had a good experience with their headset. (Good experiences only) :man_shrugging:t3:


I agree. Pimax has yet to prove that they can handle support issues, communication, and deliver a quality product on time. Even now their web site says in stock yet people who order not getting product for months. Not a good look


good idea pin this one?


Honestly, I’d count me being one of them - some issues with losing tracking in the beginning until Iu learnbt how to position the base aside, and of course the stripe matrix not being what i had hoped for and the MAS and extra base still waitning for fulfilment (well actually just the extra base as I upgraded but nevertheless ordered a MAS separately) I feel the 8K the best headset so far. Just bothered I did not pull the trigger on the 8KX from the start which I would have done knowing that all the accesories come that late. BUT, if I wasn’t I wouldn’t have upgraded and joyned the waiting game with a considerable amoutn of my hard earned cash again, correct?

Well, so much about the product (expectations). Support (which includes communication and project management) is a different story altogether and while we all know by now communication and upright/realistic estimations of product develeopment cycles are not the strongest point of Pimax it saddens me especially seeing the ones called in for help actually lowering their communication skill level.

I can only asume stuff like that just happens when you loose all solid ground under your feet while riding a landslide, but still, @SweViver, in all that turmoil, please try to stay the nice guy we know you from your youtube times and most of all link between user base and engineering that claim to have ethnical and linguistic barriers rather than fighting everything off like a mad court dog. Keep up the serious faith and enthusiasm for the product AND community alike!

And, thanks again to @Heliosurge and the other good spirits on that forum for delivering exactly on this!


It took 6 emails to ask for a refund. I had to contact mathew to get things done. Whoever I was speaking to clearly didn’t know the meaning of cancel my order and give me a refund.

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