Varjo VR-3 THROUGH THE LENS Footage - Human Vision Resolution!

I just bought a Varjo VR3 off of ebay for $2700 with a 1 year subscription. I don’t think we will see any consumer devise with micro OLED with that high resolution for at least a few more years. Probably 5 more years, we won’t have graphics cards to max it out for that long.


Let us know how subscription transfer works, also if you need to buy new subscription, could you get it via varjo website or reseller?

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Wow thats a realy good price… i want one lol


I will update you on this matter when I receive it. It should be here Saturday. I was told by a Varjo employee that the subscription is not transferable that the previous owner will have to transfer his credentials. But the owner said he can invite users to the sub and has already sent me an invite and we are going to try to change the email address and see what happens.


$2700 in total for both the headset and the 1 year subscription? Damn that’s a good deal! And he waited until my review came out to sell :smiley:


if it makes you feel better, the Varjos sales on ebay are very rare. I check them regularly. Last one I saw was version 2 and sold for 1,800 I should have purchased it, but didn’t last year

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What I really like about the Varjo VR-3, is that because it’s so sharp, every game looks great in it, and I can reduce graphics to get better performance and still get a good image.


We have a retailer in our Discord that is apparently offering VR-2 Pros for $1.000.

Is the vr 2 way worse?.. or whats the difference?

Smaller FOV, smaller Focus displays, lower resolution context displays and a more noticable transition between the two screen types.

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same center res ( i think), the peripheral res is lower, smaller fov. noticeable transition between displays, but not as bad as version one

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So not a upgrade worthy

If you watch MRTV’s through the lens footage of the supermarket in VR-2, you will see the blurry area outside the sweetspot. They’ve really improved that in the VR-3.


Did you try varjo demo’s ? Is it legal to share them to us btw . I would love to try them with a G2 atleast xD


Quanentanglement i was the other guy bidding against you. He marked it sold before i could counter.


Yeah even the outer peripheral screen res is higher than any other headset like 2880×2720 and the sweet spot more than doubles that PPD.

If you watch MRTV’s through the lens footage of the supermarket in VR-2, you will see the blurry area outside the sweetspot. They’ve really improved that in the VR-3.

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Glad I beat ya to it! Lol!
Hopefully I end up liking it. Hard to spend that much on something I’ve never tried. I’ll find out Saturday.


Yes, it was interesting that he preferred the hp reverb v2 (all thing considered)

The ebay seller preferred the G2?

Yes. He seemed to feel that while the picture was better, the other features of the headset didn’t add value to support the price. At least not for his use case