Varjo Aero tracking issues with 1.0 basestations

Dear Community,

after a odyssey with three brand new Aero’s with dead pixels, I finally bought a used unit and had this time some luck with the displays, no dead pixels!

At the First try the tracking was perfect in steam VR and Games with my old trusty 1.0 basestations.

But since the second try/usage of my Aero I have bad tracking jitter. If the headset does not move the virtual picture is still moving a bit in a jittering motion. If the headset moves, the jittery movement is still there and sometimes the virtual picture is jumping around.

I have no issues what soever with my 8KX and the tracking, all working fine, no jittery movement o.ä.

I tried reinstalling Varjo base software a few times, tried different steam VR versions also some Betas, putting the basestations in different positions and heights in my room and so on…

I sometimes get the notification from Steam VR for a existing basestation issue, which does not make sense due to the perfect functional 8KX Tracking, at that point rock solid since entire 3 years. I had with one of the brand new headsets these issues as well, the other two were fine tracking wise.

Is the Aero maybe tracked better with 2.0 basestations? At that Point I have no clues what could be the solution, therefore I appreciate any experience and opinion on that a lot!

I am thankful for any input and opinion on how to solve this issue!


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@twack3r may have some ideas as a fellow Aero Varjo owner.

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I have a VR-3 and no Aero @Heliosurge

@pascal314 there is a myriad of issues that could cause what you are describing and, alas, I haven’t used basestations 1.0 in many years.

What I would recommend is disabling one basestation and see if the issue is lessened or eliminated. If you have the ability to borrow a BS2.0 from a friend, this might be another useful approach.

Are you using this with a sim racing motion rig? If so, be warned that all Varjo HMDs are very susceptible to electromagnetic interferences, much more so than all other lighthouse tracked HMDs I have used.


Thanks four reply and informations!

I did that many times with only one basestation, the issue was the same. Even with just one basestation, my 8KX is tracked perfectly.

In Fact I am using a motion rig, a DOF Reality H6 with the SFU upgrade (which one is currently broken due to a sudden death of one of the two motor control boxes, yeahh…).
I did some tests for the tracking on a seperate area of my room without any metal objects i.a., same end results. Varjo Headsets seems to be sensible to any surounding changes, slowly I do not longer want to have to deal with that. Even my internet connection of my pc is getting lost every 10 minutes or so, when I am using my Aero. Never had such issues with any Headset I owned in the past.

Best Headset so far is my 8KX to be honest, worked every time I wanted to play, never had issues with it. Since last week there are some pimax crystal Headsets from a good retailer offered for sale (in Germany), with free return, if needed. I am tempted to buy one unit next week and trying it out without any risks.

I think I will sell my Aero Unit, I want a headset which one is far more stable and does not mess up my PC in some ways. Main Reason for the replacement of my 8KX is picture quality and resolution. 35 PPD or more is a quiet a bumb up over the 8KX, I am loving the picture quality of the Aero (beside the strange Mura and the many visible backlight pixels). Maybe the crystal could be the solution for me.

Well I have to look how I will proceed, maybe best would be for me to just use the 8KX for now and forgetting about everything else (until the 12K comes out or so).

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