Valve Introduces Automatic Resolution Rendering For SteamVR Based on GPU, Headset

From Upload VR:.

The company’s Alex Vachos today introduced automatic resolution rendering for SteamVR Beta. It’s a simple idea that will help VR users push their performance a little further or get even better quality visuals. Essentially, it allows SteamVR to measure the speed of a user’s GPU and the display resolution of a given headset. If these checks find that VR apps aren’t fully utilizing your GPU, then SteamVR will automatically up-res the app for better-looking VR.

On the other hand, if the checks find that your GPU is struggling to render at the native resolution of the headset you’re using then apps will use a lower resolution, allowing for better performance. You can of course make your own settings manually.

Also in Spanish:

SteamVR añade auto ajuste de la resolución para garantizar el rendimiento.


Interessante!! will check this out, thanks


Also in Spanish:

SteamVR añade auto ajuste de la resolución para garantizar el rendimiento.

Truly awesome great to help folks potenially the best exoerience without manually tweaking settings.

Definitely good for non tweakers who just want to grab n play.

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I understand that it’s even better: you wouldn’t need to run a complete game with a fixed resolution: SteamVR could change it on the fly at the points where it could take advantage of increasing or decreasing the resolution.

I was wrong, it seems that after analyzing the GPU and the HMD, SteamVR puts the same resolution for all applications.


Indeed though you know tweakers will be annoyed & switch to manual lol

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it seems that after analyzing the GPU and the HMD, SteamVR puts the same resolution for all applications. It doesn’t seem such a good thing anymore.


It’s really lame.

I have a TitanXp so SteamVR decided that 2.4ss should be applied to all applications - try that for a laugh in FO4VR :joy:


Well in fairness it is a beta & more designed with the lower spec non tech savy users. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Not sure how that’s going to work for pimax that uses piplay to set the render quality… My steamvr settings are set to as low as possible and I let piplay handle the render which is already at 3.0…

I am wondering if steamvr would detect the 1080ti’s and set a n additional SS in steam… Which because pimax does not use would slow the VR experience down and not improve anything?


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True which is good as it sounds like it can be turned. Off but good point. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles: