Valve controllers and basestations timeframe

@Matthew.Xu @PimaxVR @PimaxUSA
Hey guys, just wondering how your progress with Valve is going? Is there a rough estimate as to what dates you’ll be allowed to send us their products? So far the store page says out of stock but I’ve heard that’s because valve hasn’t said you can sell them yet. Any idea at all when we would progress to the next step?


Sorry for the inconvenience.

The Valve controller may available next week. Thank you.


Just for Information:

If we opted out by Upgrading with e.g. Plan A we will not receive them?!

Will we ein both cases receive some kind of notice?

  • thanks for upgrading- your 8kx or +will be shipping xx.xx.xx you will not receive …
  • Your base stations and controllers are being prepared for shipping- you can only upgrade with Plan x from now on.

Thank you very much.
Just out of curiosity, what is involved in this process? Im interested in how this all works

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I have read the “Backer’s guide” published in the recent KS update (Pimax Backer Guide& Update 20191107 - Google Drive) and it says that expected timeframe for controllers and basestations shipping is March 2020.

I have backed the bundle and I want to receive the basestations as soon as possible without waiting for the controllers. The backers guide does not mention this particular situation and how to handle it and gives an impression that if I decide not to choose an upgrade plan “F”, I will have to wait.

@Matthew.Xu could you please clarify that and possibly explain how the backers who are waiting for both controllers and basestations and who are fine about receiving the basestations now, should proceed?


@Matthew.Xu i second this.

Also all these backer plans & none of them are suitable for a backer with 2 pledges to combine them into 1 upgrade.

If there were such an option i would probably take it.
I dont really see why there isnt.
I have on my pledges 1 full bundle, 1 extra base station, 1 hand tracking module, 1 8k to 5k downgrade coupon & 2 sets of stretch goals.
If i don’t use it all on an upgrade, pimax still has to send it all to me.


I 3rd this.

IF we are waiting for Pimax basestations and Pimax controllers, will they ship basestations right away?


Fourthed, I can wait for the controllers, but don’t want to wait for basestations.

@Matthew.Xu Is this possible? Get basestations now and receive Sword Sense when they are finished?


I 5th this,

i’d also like to have the basestations as soon as possible, and the controllers later.


Are you guys sure you’d rather get a product you almost cant use (to its full potential) as well as pay for shipping twice?

I actually do not want to pay for shipping at all. Pimax is supposed to deliver a bunch of stretch goals from my pledge, where shipping was included. So they have to send MAS, face cushions, prescription insert, basestations, controllers, and a fan.

I do not want them to ship each item individually, and suggest that packing together MAS, face cushions, insert and basestations is an acceptable trade-off. I do not consider waiting with basestations for controllers acceptable, because I do not believe there will be any controllers in March 2020.

Are you a backer? Do you remember the KS promises? The headsets shipping Jan 2018, basestations and controllers in April (2018). I got my headset in Jan 2019.



To be frank, even if the controllers were to be delivered in March 2020, I do not wish to wait even longer than I already have to receive the basestations which I paid for in 2017 and need to get 6DoF out of my 8K, soon to be 8KX. If I don’t get them now, and eventually receive my 8KX, I’ll probably just sell that one off because I don’t care about 3DoF VR anymore and I expect the controllers to see several further delays anyhow, so I would not bet to even receive them in 2020 at all.

I would even be okay to pay for the shipping in two goes for basestations and controllers, which of course should only be the part from the European warehouse to my place, so for the basestations it should not be more than say 10€.


Well, I don’t think we should pay for shipping.

But yes, I want basestations as soon as possible. Then, I can buy Knuckles separately and wait for SwordSense controllers to come in Fall 2020 if ever. But I want basestations so I can be in control and make decisions, not just wait.


@Matthew.Xu @PimaxVR @PimaxUSA

Any news?
I want to upgrade te F plan , but we need MORE information.
Are you going to send bases and controllers together?
Before Christmas?



In my case, as an 8KX backer, you will be sending me my 8KX anyhow - so there is no excuse for not sending the base stations with it. Please take note that the base stations are sent to me at latest together with the 8KX.

Thank you.


Thiis is me with support trying to upgrade to 8kx and get base stations shipped early…

HI Steve,

Thank you for replying, I have 2 more questions. 1- will I be able to use the $70 coupon on an upgrade plan? 2- can I have the base stations shipped as soon as possible, without waiting for the controllers?

Thank you,


This is the reply
Hi Frank,

You’re welcome.

Yes, the $70 coupon can be used for the upgrade plans.

As per our current schedule, both Base Station and Controllers will be prepared together for you once they’re ready, please be patient : )

Please let me know your decision about the cable, I can apply for the coupon for you after receiving your confirmation, thanks.

Best regards,

I Refuse to pay anymore money for another headset I can’t use for room scale because I still need base stations
I already bought index controllers


That’s exactly what I asked the first time was if they would ship them with the 8kx, short answer NO DICE

Only ppl who pay more will get the base stations before 2021

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But if we backed only the basestations but not the controllers, we would receive them soon.


Some food for thought: I am really not expecting the controllers to be good at the end, and already have the Index controllers anyway. So the obvious alternative would be to take the basestations, cash out on the controller backing, use that credit for the eye-tracking & keep your loaner options and sell of the loaner on ebay right away.

If the Pimax controllers are much better than I expect them to be, I could still purchase them (and make a loss as compared to keeping my pledge) but if they are crap as expected I actually managed to withdraw the money in time. Doesn’t sound too bad, does it.


I also tried that as well I was willing to take less that what I pledged for the controllers and the would not make the deal

this is me asking that exact question

Hi Steve,

With the recent change in discount pricing allowing another $100 off I am considering giving up the stretch goals. I would use plan D with the 8KX with deluxe audio headstrap opting out of stretch goals except eye tracking the total is then $999. I would do this upgrade if there is a way to convert the 10m cable and controllers into a promo code to discount the plan D further for example the 10M cable cost me $60+$10 shipping and the controllers were $150. So I would be willing to take a $200 promo code to use on plan D and the Base Stations can ship with the 8KX when ready. I would consider this a fair compromise and I would also be purchasing the eye tracking when ready.

And this is their reply

Hi Frank,

Well noted with thanks. Regarding your request, I discussed with the team and we can give you an equivalent coupon, i.e. $70 instead of the 10m cable, as for 2* controllers, sorry, the current plans can’t support this, your understanding in this regard is appreciated.

Please let me know your opinion, thank you.

Best regards,

So I wish you luck in getting this resolved.