User Improvement Plan - Crystal


Thank you for joining our tester group! We are thrilled to have fifteen users who were chosen for this exclusive opportunity. Your participation is invaluable and we appreciate your willingness to contribute to the success of our project.

We understand that there may be some disappointment with not being able to expand the group further at this time, but rest assured that we will keep everyone in mind should a similar event arise in the future. In addition, if any of those who did not join us now would like more information on how they can get involved or provide feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out directly.

Once again, thank you all so much for joining us and helping make this project a reality! We look forward to continuing working together towards achieving great results and making an impactful difference within our community.

@Omniwhatever @john2910 @SmallBaguette @jamejame @rainbowwhale @Phillybump @Akuma540 @rsbell @DJSlanr @isn_calvin @Finn @drowhunter @mrcabbage @CheezusCrisp

Thank you,
Your Pimax Team.