Use Trackir for Headtracking. How to turn off gyroscope

I want to use Trackir for headtracking. For this solution i had to turn off the integrated gyroscope on my Pimax. The instruction says that the movie mode turn off the gyroscope, but i cant choose it in the Pimax program. Is there any solution? Thanks a lot for your answer.

Hi Andre3000, Sorry to tell you the integrated gyroscope on Pimax canā€™t be turned off in the program.

Double confirmed with our engineers, yes, we can turn off gyroscope by software disable.
we can provide a tools for you.

Would it be possible to add this as a function in PiPlay rather than as a separate tool?

Please add support to Freetrack on the server for steamvr. The same protocol that use Riftcat/Vridge for use with steamvr.

I support this thread.
Iā€™ve been asking the question "can you change the ā€˜look speedā€™ for the Pimax head tracking? But have not got a proper answer.
This is a hurdle to me buying the Pimax 4k VR. At least if the Pimax head tracking could easily be disabled, I could use my Edtracker Pro with the different look acceleration profiles Iā€™ve already created.

yes, we can integrate this funtion in PiPlay.


Thank you. That would be great.

Now Piplay latest version is 1.1.89(Beta) which could support this function, please noted.

@LittleK Is a new Firmware version also required? Where do we download them?

Youā€™d better both update Piplay & Firmware at the same time.
Normally we suggest users to update by Piplay itself, although itā€™s downloading slowly.
And Iā€™m also uploading various released and beta versions to MEGA now, and link would be shared for guys later.

@LittleK Yes. Downloading via PiPlay is very slow and often does not work at all. Please share the links as soon as possible. Thank you.

@LittleK When will you share the links to the various released and beta versions?

And how i can use trackir?
What i should to do?

Can anyone give an update on this? I wish to use TrackIR (and not use gyros) for headtracking in DCS world and other sims with the Pimax because I have a motion simulator and my head tracking must be relative to the cockpit and not to the rest of the world.

This way when I slam on the brakes in a race car for example and the motion sim pitches down to simulate deceleration my view does not tilt downward, etc. etc.

Any info appreciated, and Iā€™m sure the rest of the motion sim guys would be very happy to hear of a good head tracking solution for our simulators with Pimax 4k!

@PIMAX-Support. Does the latest Beta driver (1.2.91) support IR tracking protocols (opentrack\FreeTrack) as yet or is it still work in progress?

Thanks in advance.

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Hi friend, I have not received new progress about this issue, but I will follow it for you.

@PIMAX-Support Iā€™d really like an update on this one as well.

Iā€™ve more or less come to terms with my B102 model that I got. The only thing that causes me grief at this point is the tracking drift that I constantly get. Itā€™s bad enough that I havenā€™t really used it since I actually purchased it. The need to remove the headset every few minutes to re-calibrate and recenter is a big problem.

As I understand it, having an external tracking setup can help a lot with this, and It would be great if I can use my TrackIR system in order to help compensate for that drift without having to go out and buy additional equipment.

Hi, have you tried Piplay 1.2.93_Beta that added the function of ā€œMagnetism calibrationā€?

Link at:

Iā€™d seen it mentioned, but had not been able to find the link.

Thanks for that. Iā€™ll test it out and let you know.

I would still like to add my +1 to TrackIR for positional tracking though.