Update Question

Hey all,

Been a while since I took the time to catch up here. I purchased the 8K full bundle and realized a bunch of updates regarding the controllers came out.

Are controllers still being made or is the only option now the Valve controllers + lighthouses. Not sure how to proceed since I paid for the bundle but haven’t been receiving Kickstarter email updates for some reason.

Waiting for the product to be developed. to n years later… :外星人:

The development of the controllers had been put on hold while the 8KX and the SMAS/DMAS are being finalized, and PimaxUSA said they will resume development once production of these other deliverables is running smoothly.

If you ask me, the ETA of the controllers is very likely not in 2020, so if you have any short term desire for VR controllers, I‘d upgrade to Index controllers.


Hi Michald,

Welcome to the Open[color=orange]MR[/color]!

Are you a KS Backer?

Were still waiting on a pimax controllee update. There not released yet. At last post maybe 2021 or sooner.

Yeah originally a KS backer from 2017. Is it still possible to do an index upgrade? The site for it seemed mostly down considering the updates were supposed to close at the end of last year.

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There is a backer Portal. Though last update had said plan F has ended; though they had originally stated they would announce it ending before ending.

@industria? I think managed to place an order for plan F after it closed but may have had the site updated since then

@PimaxQuorra would be best to answer on Plan F index bundle swap.

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Thank you for the reply. Looking into the Valve option now. Are Oculus rift controllers/stations still not compatible?


Oculus tracking is only compatible with Oculus unfortunately. Otherwise I am sure folks would have been using Touch controllers with other headsets.


Bummer, I figured they had a closed system else this would have probably been available earlier, thought maybe someone ended up getting a workaround. Last question - If I don’t upgrade to the Valve option I will eventually get Pimax controllers right.

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I bought the Index controllers separately last summer as I was aware that Pimax wouldn’t finish this task anytime soon. So for me it doesn’t make sense to upgrade my pledge, I will just wait and see if/what I get (anything). It is not that crucial for me because the base stations alone are already worth what I paid Pimax for the base stations & controllers.

But if you really want to experience VR controllers (which you definitely should) - yeah, try to get something now and don’t wait for the Pimax controllers, nobody really knows if they will even appear in 2021.

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As Axaculti said. Yes Eventually. Though no timeline has been cemented save maybe 2021 or possibly sooner. Too much of their resources was diverted for the 8kX instead of finishing a “simpler” task of finalizing controllers like they should have.


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