Unity will not fix the object popping/culling issue for Pimax. Sorry guys

I submitted a bug report and all for this issue to Unity. Unfortunately this is their response:

I contacted the developers about the issue you informed me. And they informed me that these issues should be fixed by the Pimax developers themself as this device is not in our supported devices list.

Also, they shared that at this moment we don’t have any plans for it.

Oh well, I never really had high hopes that they would fix it since they have plenty of other major issues to fix. Now they kick the ball back to Pimax when there is nothing Pimax can do about it.

So moving forward, all games made with Unity are still going to have this problem of objects popping in and out of your periphery. For devs, please use my fix here: GitHub - koochyrat/SteamVRFrustumAdjust: For canted headsets like Pimax, calculate proper culling matrix to avoid objects being culled too early at far edges in Unity. Prevents objects popping in and out of view


Did you point out that it is not a “supported devices” matter, but one of their SteamVR implementation being faulty :9


I attached an entire sample project complete with my fix to show them that it’s an issue with the culling matrix.


Is there a link to the bug report, is that on a public forum?

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No, bug reports are private until Unity acknowledges it as a bug and puts it on the public issue tracker.


I am somewhat flabbergasted with the attitudes certain people exhibit toward dealing with relatively minor, but important fixes; When even Valve themselves can not get this right in their own applications, one can only despair.

…and any (…or so it is rumoured) engines that will do this thing correctly when running on Oculus’ software, but not when addressing SteamVR, have even less ground to stand on: Getting it wrong for SteamVR/OpenVR, which has the matter in spec, whilst actually having the correct formula in there, somewhere, and using it with the one API that does not even support any currently available canted HMDs.


I think a part of the problem is Pimax not asking them for a fix, not providing the details, and not sending them an 8KX so they can check / fix the issue. :unamused:


If Pimax pays them money they probably would. Just like how all the big tech companies pay to have their platform supported in Unity.


That’s usually how it works. Would be interesting to know if they’re taking care of their sortiment like this. I bet they already know that though.

@PimaxQuorra @SweViver @PimaxUSA @bob.weng
Are you guys in contact and dealing with the Unity developers or planning to?


This is exactly why pimax needs to get their SDKs updated. @PimaxVR @mozi @Alex.liu


On the other hand, it seems a bit low, to ask for a payment to fix a bug, which is not related to any particular headset flaw, but to their own buggy implementation.


I believe “Unity” no longer represents an “indie” project, but the regular corporate culture with all the traits it brings. The most recent announcement about Unity XR was another exposure of that.


The only thing Pimax can do about it is submit the same bug report as you did. It looks more like they misunderstood the issue, or simply did not bother.


Well, they are headed by Riccitello… :confused:

You call it a bug, they’d call it “integration”.

Of course, I agree with you. Just mentioning things.

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Hi @koochy_rat,

I am really enjoying a Gun Club VR game, it looks like Unity game (I see Mono folder). It has issue with shadows disappearing unless parallel projection is enforced, which is a big perf hit as we all know.

It should be something very simple (culling issue/view frustrum sound like excellent candates :)), and your code looks promising. I see your repo has .cs files, is that something game dev neeeds to build into the game binaries, or can user build it and patch game by dropping binary in? Maybe engine will recognize it as a plugin or something? Not familiar with Unity (at all). Thanks.


Not compelled buy any of the Unity VR titles anyway, so no biggie here.

While I agree to a point. The bigger issue that might help solve somethings here would be for pimax to release an updated current sdk for Unity. One one side with Pimax really being the only Wide FoV headset there is less pressure to fix culling issues as majority of headsets will not have the flaw due to restricted FoV.

However it is shortsighted of Unity not to prepare their engine for larger FoV in VR.

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Not possible for a user fix sorry. I did try some hacks by modifying the openvr dll, but all that did was cause a distorted larger FOV because Unity uses the same data to do the projection as well. Dll injection worked for a small unpublished project, but for a published Steam game, it fails (even for my own game).

Also the shadows disappearing will still happen with my fix, but less noticeable since the culling volume is bigger.

Yes, the .cs file needs to be used by the game dev. Most of them are going to have the same response as Unity, that it is ‘not a supported headset’.


Kind of off topic but for a game developer on Unreal Engine what needs to be done to solve this object culling issue so PP isnt needed?

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