Unity 2020 bug: Inaccurate Rotation when Looking Around & other incompatibilities

It seems like Zenith is experiencing this problem too. I hope they fix it.

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Updating their support ticket on this matter with the workaround as I type this. :slight_smile:

EDIT: Please upvote the bug report for more visibility https://feedback.zenithmmo.com/boards/bug-reports/posts/pimax-view-flipping

2nd EDIT: According to their Discord, they have a Steam branch with a potential fix in place.

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Vtol developer said “no problem! It was a two cliks fix”.

Yep I’ve been spreading the word as much as possible trying to get visibility into this. I’ve actually jumped onto a Unity thread (with literally no addl. comments) asking for Unity to chime in.

Here’s the link. Would be great if other devs and users could chime in: