Typical frame rate with motion smoothing off, MSFS + OG Crystal (4090 + 14900k)? Weird case of avg 65 to 75fps

I am pretty sure i typically get about 47 to 53 fps with my full install (not bare testing) of msfs in the crystal without smoothing, however, the other day in attempt to reinstall client 1.14 (for motion smoothing use), i suddenly had 64 to 75 somehow… i reran the installer and it went back to 47 to 53 (motion smoothing wasnt quite locking to 45 when it was spiking that high without it).

(this with the toolkit and eye tracking ffr on)

So im curious what others with a similar config get? Pretty sure my lower numbers are correct and puzzled by the temporary high ones

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The Smart Smoothing feature should allow FPS to cap at 45 FPS when a 90 Hz refresh rate is selected.

However, we have noticed that this feature has encountered some bugs, and the development team has scheduled a full rework.

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