Try Out Pimax and other headsets at the MRTV Experience!

Dear community!

This is Sebastian from MRTV. I am starting a new business next to the channel. It is called the “MRTV Experience”. It is about allowing you to try out all the VR headsets yourself at the new MRTV Headquarter in Dortmund, Germany. You can finally compare the Pimax headsets in person, check out Valve Index and in the future also the StarVR One. I will have them all.

Pre-Sales tickets at a discounted price of 39€ are available NOW on Kickstarter for the next two weeks here:
Later, price will be higher. Presales tickets are valid for the next two years.

Dortmund has direct low-cost flights with Ryan Air, EasyJet and Whizz air to: London, Vienna, Malaga, Porto, Krakow.

Any questions, let me know! Bye, Sebastian


There are still 6 left for 34 € which is 38 $

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Any idea when you will get the starvr one?


Time to hit up for round trip ticket from USA to Germany!??! Ill buy the first round of adult beverages :beer::beers:

Probably cheaper than buying all those HMD’s


Since Dortmund is a stone-throw away I’m in.
Will be nice to see some of you guys there,
unfortunately I’m giging on the party date.

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I backed this one too as I am indeed wondering about the added value of the different newer headsets out there on the market, and this chance to get a comparison on a game like Elite is great !

And, of course, it’s indeed just a one hour drive for me too which makes this a pretty convenient exercise for me.


Any idea when your Canada office will be open? :beers::wink::+1::sparkles:

Congrats on your move to expand!


I may not reveal. :slight_smile: But I have the feeling I will let you know the second I can!


Oh yes, come over to good old Germany, have some nice adult beverages with me and check out ALL those sweet headsets!!! Definitely cheaper than getting them all, better than waiting for the next VR exhibition and even there you won’t have them all together at one place for you to check out!! :slight_smile:

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Hi Helio! :slight_smile:

Well, let me see if people like this service first! But I have a feeling they will, for sure us enthusiasts! Then I am ready to expand! Until then: welcome to Germany! :slight_smile:

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Axa, that is amazing! I am looking forward to getting to know you in person!

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And here, I made a little video about the MRTV Experience:

Bye, Sebastian

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Backed a cup! Will drink an adult beverage with it. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles: