Tridef 3D in extended mode

I would also like to add this INFO

Refresh rate: up to 90Hz (Taken from Ebay)

I can confirm that display can show up to 90 frames per second.
Elite dangerous, 90 fps in 2k.

Thank you very much for this Info @industria

:slight_smile: cheers

I thought it was capped at 60? How are you getting 90hz?

I was wrong, its locks by 60 fps.
It shows 90 only when the mirror window is enabled.


I ran Elite last night using my Keyboard lol, but looks Nasty in the PiMAX and by the term Nasty I mean Awsome
I will be hooking up my Saitek X52 Controllers soon :wink:
btw im using v1.1.92

If you are using the Steam version of Elite Dangerous you will probably have to start it using EDLaunch.exe for the Saitek X52 to be recognised.

I also use the Saitek X52Pro and Steam made some change to either Steam or SteamVR or both the HOTAS is no longer recognised by ED if launched from within Steam.

Developers know about this and are working on a fix but for now I launch directly from EDLaunch.exe.


Hi m8,
I do indeed use the Steam Version along with Voice Attack
I launch from DeskTopShortcut
Thank You for that Info
i have used X52 with ED before and no problems, but again thank you for Info
do you still play ED

Yes I do.
ED is by far my favourite VR game.
I’m still a rank novice but slowly working up the learning curve.
I notice that they have released another upgrade. I wonder if it’s worth the money?

I’m debating weather to remove the blue filters from the HMD.
Have you done this and is ED visually better given that it’s already excellent?

Cheers. :satellite:

Hi LukeB

I was planning on doing it today, but after reading that some people have problems with Unit not working now after taking it apart
I still wana do it tho, so I may attempt in an hour or so