Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your 8KX

Thanks for this. I bought the 8kx yesterday for Elite, but had awful lagging and lack of crispness ( compared to my Reverb,). I will try your Elite settings!


Consider using Fholgers mod from github called VRPerfkit. Also FPSVR from Steam to see your FPS in game. I have Elite Horizons working very well despite it requiring Parallel Projection mode on.
I prefer to run 75hz (getting the FPS to 90 is just too hard, if you get the new model it will only let you do 90hz) and use fholgers mod VRPerfKit to get about 5-10 fps more while only running the far edges down in quality. FFR really helped. FSR took it the rest of the way. Avoid motion smooting as it causes probs with the starfield, but if all you can get is half your display rate in FPS, then use it with 1/2 compulsory. FoV Normal for me but I am running on overclocked 3090 and 12th gen intel. So perhaps lower the fov for other hardware, or use a lower FSR factor. None of the graphics options in the menu made enough of a difference to turn them down for any benefit.

One trick is to use vrperfkit at whatever quality you want while keeping the steam and in game resolutions at 100% and the HMD factor at 1.0. That way everything is upscaled. It can be a pain to adjust and relog-in to test different settings, so the “mail slot” is the best place to determine your lowest FPS. Ensuring the FPS in the mail slot exceeds your display refresh rate is the goal.

Vrperfkit was an extra 10% performance from FFR
And then I could choose a upscale effect to take it the rest of the way and I ended up with 70% as the FSR factor. Radii for the FFR were around 0.8 0.9 so as to not affect any significant part of the view.

Ultimately I get 75fps locked with a vertical resolution of 3160, which is bative to the 8kx at 22PPD. Thats the golden zone. Anymore resolution is just for antialiasing, which is the downfall of the engine they used.


Elite Odyssey is too demanding performance wise and is unoptimized. Without DLSS or support for wide FOV, you wont enjoy it.


Thanks Neal for taking the time to post this article… awesome for us new to VR and Pimax 8kx…
I am now using it on War Thunder and its awesome… any tips on best settings although i only have an rtx2080 at the moment.
i7-9700K 3.60Ghz, 32GB RAM, SSD, win1021H2, rtx2080


Your system is fairly similar to mine, but I’ve never played War Thunder, so I can only give general advice.

If you feel like your VR framerate is low, I recommend using fpsVR (available from Steam) to track your performance in VR. If it is too low, I recommend using Small FOV and/or reducing the in-game graphics quality settings (shadows are often expensive). You can reduce your VR resolution in PiTools or SteamVR if necessary.


Thanks Neal…done as suggested… works great !


I made a video with pretty good through-the-lens shots if anybody wants a look.


My 8kx when connected display a yellow/green led and piplay dont recognize anything (no error or any warning message)
If I close and open Piplay, the Headset responds reinitializing (it turns off by himself, shows a yellow LED, and then turns red again and then Yellow/green LED)
But if a let it connected and wait like 20 minutes it suddenly connects like magic and works ok…

Tried to start piservice manually
change DP and usb ports
Different combinations between starting PC, piplay and HMD
And no changes

Is there a fix for this issue?

My pc
3090 RTX
z790 aorus elite
i9 12900k

Thank you all!!

I know this is not the right topic to ask this but im new to the community and cant open a new topic

Hi Victor.

Are you using pimax client or the newer pimaxplay? Piplay itself is no longer supported with updates (well Pimax client is also no longer receiving updates)

The interface can be a bit wonky here. To cr are a new topic visit a category you want to create a new topic in. Press the new topic button.

I am working on a much better forum interface to n my new Forum Project

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  • Special help topic that uses a form to structure help and uses a small solved feature where the Op can choose a reply as best solution.
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Hey there!!!
Im using pimaxplay. I cant start pitool on my computer… for some reason it gets stuck on the intial logo. Maybe because im using win 11?

Not sure have not run into that. Though still in W10.

Are you running program as admin? Right click run as Admin. Might help. @PimaxQuorra may have some ideas.

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Is the issue still persisting? Have you tried filing a support ticket?

The 8KX should work fine with PimaxPlay. Which version do you have installed? We no longer update Pitool, as all its features have been integrated into PimaxPlay.