There will be sponge on M2/final version?

Hi, i love the Pimax 8K project, just a question… is there a basic sponge on the visor or something better like a cushion like memory foam or covered by synthetic leather or cotton covered, may be removable (and washable)/replaceable?
I have an Oculus with a sponge, but first thing i did was replace it with a memory foam cushion (and a cotton cover to wash it some time after sweat activities or when i wanna let try VR to friend or someone…)
May you give me some info about it? Thank you by now and compliments for your work! Love it! <3


@deletedpimaxrep1, please tell us about the planned face cushion design. Thank you.


Yep, tell us about the face cushion and what to expect for the stretch goal #1.
Same same? Different thickness, material, color?


I would like to know if they are washable like the HTC Vive, I have washed mine loads of time with no problems.

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I like the project and so. But i really dislike the fact that direct questions to the crew from Pimax never get a direct answer. Why is that? I work at sales and can’t Imagine not answering questions. It would make a customer feel like i don’t care…
Can’t figure out why this policy???


cultural differences my friend :slight_smile:
Culture Matters: Are Chinese and Asians Liars?

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Yeah, maybe. But still can’t imagine. Why should they open a forum, if answering questions is not the plan or culture? :rolling_eyes: Itś a form of communication, after all?
But ok. I will read the article, thanks for that. Maybe i will understand the habits after reading that :slight_smile:

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While I basically agree with the observation about the Asian culture you posted, and with the general rule that one should adapt to the environment and local culture he moves to, the one important point here is still missing. Are we doing business in China, or is Pimax doing business in Europe or US?


I fully agree they sholud learn some basic Western standards ( understanding the ‚truth’ of given informations) if they targeting EU , American and Austrailan customers but unfortunatelly this is not happend. In strong hierarchical organization this is task for CEO and managers. What choices do we have if they don’t respect or understand our bussines standards? I don’t see any real competition at this moment.

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They culture is to avoid public confrontation.Asians generally do not appreciate people who are “brutally honest” or who want to get to the point quickly. Forum genraly is for them just to gather ours expectations about products also recive some new ideas .

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Hey, may be they are just too busy to respond every single post in a forum… i can understand… or may be they are focusing on M2 to make it better than possible and the face cushion is a “side” problem they can easily manage after “the core” problems and optimizations… just wait and hope… no problem if they will reply in days or week… may be later… i just hope they say something about it… i trust in them! :wink:


Oh it’s not about trusting. I trust Pimax and they keep updating us. Many questions are asked in a polite way, so maybe some could have been answered. That’s all :wink:

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They will do… just wait… :wink:

Tbh, I think Xunshu’s answers on this forum are pretty damn good and show a desire to be open to the community. They have no obligation to do even this, but they do.


I’m not agree - all uncomfortable questions are unanswered or answered in a generic way so you have even more questions
But I’m not supriced as i mention before it’s culture differences.