The VR-Rock Prescription Lenses For Pimax Crystal are AMAZING! Instalation and First Impressions

I just got my Pimax Crystal and I am absolutely loving it but the one area it was not working out in was wearing my glasses with the headset. It was very uncomfortable and I was constantly worried about scratching the lenses of either the headset or my own glasses due to the somewhat tight eyebox of the Crystal… So I really want to thank VR-Rock for sending these lenses out because they solved a huge issue for me!

The VR-Rock prescription lenses are really good quality and instalation as you will see in this video was very easy. Now I don’t have to worry about anything scratching the glass aspheric lenses of my Pimax Crystal. VR-Rock’s lenses are well designed and I love the fact they have the blue light blocking.

If you need a good set of perscription lenses for your Pimax Crystal or any other VR, AR, or XR headsets out there then I can’t recommend VR-Rock enough!

You can check out their wide selection of lenses at the link below and don’t forget to use code “vrgamerdude” for an addition 10% off of your order! []-)

VR Rock Prescription Lenses:

If you are interested in learning more about the Pimax Crystal headset you can at the link below and again if you want to save an addition $20 off of your headset order with Pimax, make sure to use code “vrgamerdude” at checkout.


But why are Crystal lenses so expensive?! Over twice the price of any other VRrock lenses. Others are $59 or $79 at most, and those are $150?!.. I need prescription lenses for my Crystal but not for that price. I’ll wait for others, like VR Optician or Widmo VR, to start offering lenses for Crystal and then order from whoever offers the best price. I have experience with both of those companies and they make great prescription lenses for VR too.

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Hey @vrgamerdude, are you still using your pimax 8kX with motion plateforme?
If yes, maybe you can help this guy :

I wish I could but it is gone from mine now as well… I thought it was just with the crystal but I plugged my 8KX back in to test it and it was missing from Pitool? I really wish I could find a way to get this back as well because I really need it for using my Yaw VR! []-/

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Thanks for the answer. Apparently (I haven’t tried yet) it turns out it is still there , the shortcut CTRL+Q makes appear a pop-up with motion compensation. Besides, a tab will be there on a future Client version.

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Oh man … thanks for this info… Will try it tonight!