The elephant in the room - wireless

This seems (hopefully only seems) to be being ignored by both Pimax and Valve and yet for me and I sense a very large and increasing number of people is a key feature that would persuade them to go down one road or the other. I hope just hope Pimax beat Valve to it as I will be buying which ever announces wireless first but would prefer Pimax FOV over index any day.


Wireless module Elephant is 3rdparty. Pimax has no control as such on it’s dev timeline.

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If I did no room scale I wouldn’t care, but wireless is a HUGE deal…it’s truly a gen 2 feature that would separate one headset over another. Oculus takes the approach of mobile based headsets to solve this issue but the freedom and immersion of not feeling that cable is a big deal and is to everyone who comes over and tries my VR they all are frustrated by the cable. Wireless also brings with it a counterweight/balance if placed on the rear of the strap that simultaneously lends more comfort overall. Having said this the biggest problem with wireless is not line of sight or any of that which can easily be solved, it’s the fact that with current tech, we are almost certainly stuck with pimax 5K resolution level for a while even with foveation, compression and other techniques if we are still going for 80/90hz refresh rates although XTAL has proven with the right lenses, you can make 5K look pretty good even in wide FOV. I share your sentiment of wireless being a game changer for the first to market in these new higher FOV, higher res headsets. My hope is they can get it to us by or before Christmas!

I hear you on the premise of what wireless represents. I recalled years ago it was said long ago all things would be wireless by now.

OK, I don’t care who builds it but just want someone to - where the hell is TPCAST version 2 (I would have thought these guys have the experience and tech by now to do it).

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I have installed wireless for my vive pro and had to upgrade my cpu to make the compression artifacts disappear and games playable ,so for wireless to be viable for pimax will require top end cpu’s and faster data throughput than the vive wireless adapter can achieve , this adapter has a pci-e mode 3 interface and already struggles in many pc’s as it is .
I think there is a very limited market for the pimax wireless adapter at the moment due to the pc spec’s required .
The valve index will work with a modified vive wireless adapter so should not be far off imo

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I seriously doubt the Index will work with the HTC WAK, it’s not even the same pin layout.

The fact that the WAK required a beefy CPU is because the entire decoding effort is on the CPU. Alternatively this could very well be done by a dedicated chip.

The bandwidth for the WAK is not constrained by the PCIE interface but the chosen implementation of the 60Ghz DisplayLink Solution in this very product. DL have already stated that their solution can provide significantly more bandwidth from a technological perspective.

It‘ll be interesting to see if there will be a vendor agnostic wireless solution as TPCAST had announced more than a year ago (radio silence ever since) or if we continue with the fragmented approach.


I meant that the HTC WAK has basically all the index requires for a wireless adapter intel already have the job sorted so not much work to make one for the index.
Agree that a dedicated chip would be the way forward , probably the only way forward for a Pimax wireless system


Given my cynicism I wouldn’t be surprised if Intel had a significant say in the omission of a dedicated chip as to increase the need for a faster CPU on the user side tbh.

The Index has the same res as the VivePro but given the increased frequency of up to 144hz, the bandwidth required is significantly higher.

Just like everyone else I’m hoping there will be an adequate wireless solution for both the Pimax wide FOV HMDs as well as the Index, it’s a necessary feature and the only feature I dearly miss when using my 5K+ coming from a VivePro+WAK.


Wireless on an 8K - you got to be joking?

Bandwidth - Meet human flesh - cook away. No thanks. Maybe we just need a wearable VR computer solution instead, something in a backpack or a bum bag :rofl:

Hmmm I guess somehow you got Telepathy super powers to sense others thoughts hey :grinning:

Jokes asides, wireless will need some form of cable design running to a battery pack to your back or waist. If not the main bread and butter you would consider is it’s all part of the HMD and it’s mount. Problem is personally do I really want to gamble a lithium pack strap to my skull or if my waist near the general regions of my royalties for long periods of play mostlikely 2-3 hrs with no valid knowledge what said pack can do to me lhealth wise overTime? my answer is no


Guess you don’t live in the city. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

I deed why not just strap a pc to your back.

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Don’t worry everybody 5G will solve all your problems! /s

I want to go hiking with my Pimax :joy::+1:

Experience nature as only one can - in VR


Might I reccommend Nature’s Trek or if your brave The Forest? :beers::joy::+1::sparkles:


after there butchered together first version and there inability to fix a simple usb audio problem (by just using a newer linux kernel on the raspi like add on) and the never fixed green bar (on right side) problem, unlikely that any consumer would buy something from them
i only would if can give it back on any problem without asking questions and if its reported working ootb flawless (and thats now days pretty rare)

i guess they have given up consumer retail and try to sell to companys

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We need 802.11ay! Or some solid implementation of ax.

i see at least two reasons why valve did not jump on that

  1. compatibility problems and htc inability or intels(?) unwillingness to get rid of that
  2. this solution seemed barely be able to cope with the 90Hz of the vive pro and valve index is propagating 120 and 144 Hz

too fond of your 8k? it gets the same signal as the 5k+ and then its upscaled, no difference when it comes to a wireless solution (just replacing the DP cable with a wireless solution)

when using higher res like 1440p@90 or 2kx2k i dont think there is way just using “plain” Wigig, a data reduction is needed, display link showed something in that direction on last CES, it was using foveated rendering and eye tracking to reduce the date to transmit
but looking on the history of wireless vr and how long it took to the vive pro adapter the inovation is to slow, when its ready the high end vr (with deeper pockets) will already have higher resolution, it seems questionable if we will see that solved - but when looking at the xtal and its just 1440p ot he StarVR One (also “lower” res), higher res is not the only solution for better vr

if looking at the quest then on long term 3-5 years it seems more likely that all in one hmd will win the race, the growth in gpu performance in mobile hmd’s seems much faster then development of “small” products like wigig or wireless vr


the more bandwidth you use, the shorter the wavelength of the frequency it needs to transfer data

the shorter the wavelength…the harder it is to get pass anything…you are more likely to get cancer from answering your cellphone (0.75-1.8ghz) than using wireless HMD (VIVE wireless is 60ghz btw)

assuming you use Verizon…their 4G operate at 750mhz range, you are 60 times more likely getting cancer watching youtube on your phone then actually wearing wireless system