The correct way to open the horror game?

I’ve made up my mind to try the horror game
Even if I’m as timid as a mouse :fearful:
But in order to measure more kinds of VR content
I’m going for broke :scream:
This is one of the best ways to measure immersion

Please recommend me more scary games :smiling_imp:

Naw how cute you think thats a horror game :smiley:
play Alone or Paranormal activity, but most fun you get with phasmophobia, play it with friends!


Yeah, that’s just me----phasmophobia

Try Alien Isolation. You need to use the Mother VR mod.


“Affected: the Manor” - short but (jump)scary !

“Alien: Isolation” - pure terror, play it with “Mother”-mod.

“The Persistence” - quite similar to A:I, very thrilling.

“Kobold” - didnt play very far, but what i’ve seen was quite scary too.

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Ah ah ah ah !!too too terrifying for me:scream:

Thanks for the recommendation. I will find some to try and post on the forum

Indeed. You have no idea what being terrified means until You hear her come running… :exploding_head:


I’m not a real horror fan either but enjoyed Arizona Sunshine, Ghost Town Mine Ride & Shootin’ Gallery, and HL Alyx. They may not be true horror games as some may classify them. Should qualify if in death is suitable. Buy the way “In Death” is an enjoyable experience as well. Enjoy and let us know what you think!

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