The black screen problem in upscale

Hello everyone

I am still looking for a solution for on the 8kx ?
I have done several tests
display port
baclight 0
resolution -
but nothing fixes the problem

a little help

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The upscale Blackout issues is still being evaluated as far as I know. There also having issues on the native 90hz node as well on Nvidia.

Not sure if @MikeJeffries has used the upscale mode or not but has been testing to collect data on 90hz native.

There is an option to activate pitool logging before running a game.

I have the blackout issue on native mode. I dont use upscale mode because of the blurriness compared to native. It’s happened on 75 and 90hz so far… Its been very random but i am still testing…

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I never thought of this but I always lock my SteamVRSettings file with gpuSpeed values of 5000 (for the nvidia 3090) and render scale at 1.5 and i lock the file to read only so nothing can be changed unless i uncheck read only for that file. Im wondering if maybe those values affect anything?

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I did a lot of testing around upscale 144
but each time and it varies in duration
the right eye goes out.
I restart the 8kx and it works again (without stopping steam and pitool).

Very strange as random bug

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Ok, i bumped into something, and it may be of importance

I was experiencing random black outs in native mode, 75hz or 90hz

I fixed it at the GPU connection: somehow, the 8kx video cable was looping around my monitor video cable.
I untangled them, and made sure they were as spread apart as possible on the back of the gpu, using the 2 furthest connectors on the gpu:
No black outs ever since in 75hz, haven’t tried 90 hertz


Well I figure pimax has been having some issues figuring out the upscale mode as they ran a poll to see if people would be okay with it being removed temporarily?

yes I followed the vote
but 114 htz is still a good thing (when it works) for fast games like simulations

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Agreed I believe the upscaled feature is a must as it was a key feature advertised and as you said fast moving games benefit from it.

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