Testing Flight Simulator 2020 In The Pimax 8KX And Yaw VR Personal Motion Simulator Live!

Yes, I also have tried that, with the same results. Only the tracker and the headset conecteds.

It’s like if the MC was working, but the headset disconnects from the VR cameras.

I’ve tried it with a laptop and exactly the same, so frustrating

It looks like if it takes the tracker as the tracker and the hedset at the same time.
But the reference number in the OVRMC settings is different for the HMD and the Tracker

Very strange.

Did you get the bat file working following my advise?

Did you pair the tracker with PiTool or via SteamVR?

Are you running the latest firmware and PiTool as well as SteamVR beta and version 0.35 of OVRMC?

EDIT: And just to make absolutely sure: you do have the PiTool version of MC turned off, right?

Yes, I have all that double checked,

I also have tried with the room setup, in both Pitool and SteamVR, room scale, stand up only, making the center where the tracker is, and nothing, when I turn the tracker the world stays still, and that black mask is moving instead.

Many people in different discords are getting the same results as me, I’ve only found one person in discord and you that have this working right

Well, in that case I’m really sorry I couldn’t help you any further.

I’ll try and retrace the steps I took to get this working and if I can think of anything that might be worthwhile, I’ll let you know.

Yes, thanks man, at least now we have hope that eventually it will work, I hope that Pimax look into it

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