Technical questions (overlap and chaperone)

What you describe happens for example with the Vive Pro (but not the OG Vive) - there is a black plastic bulge inside that cut’s out your FOV at some point.

However the more I think of it I start to suspect that my Pimax is broken as changing the IPD doesn’t move the lenses. From what I remember from the demo rotating the knob made the lenses themselves move. I also remember reading complaints from people with lower FOV that the lenses press on their nose, but I get no such thing. Will need to check this when I get home in several hours.

Yes the lenses have to move! The lenses do pinch my nose on low ipd and the ipd numers on display are wrong. I have 70mm but am unconfortable at that distance set, need way less like 66mm.

The left lens was stuck, only the right lens was moving when changing the IPD. I pressed gently on the plastic next to the lens and it got “unstuck”. After I have set an adequate IPD I experimented with the position of the HMD on my head and discovered that a thinner pad would completely eliminate the dark borders. Thankfully I still have several sleeping masks left, time to start cutting…


Update on the chaperone issue: Re-running the SteamVR room setup fixed it.

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ok i will give it a try. I have several vive facepads in different sizes from VRcover lying around.

but I must say I only see it when I am looking for it - for example on a light menu or something. while immersed in a game I was never bothered about it.

Then the cover you have is OK for you head size and shape.