I will second that, I have had IC’s for like a year now? and I’m quite satisfied. Glad I jumped the sword train and got a refund. No regrets. I had a feeling back then that Pimax weren’t up to/ or capable to delivery their promised version just like all their other peripheral… save the HMD’s.
What’s this? Pimax don’t toy with our emotions…
Sword Sense Controller Update
Please stay tuned! The update will be reveal shortly.
It’s funny because one of the options is to pay $170 more to get ICs , if the bad news we got earlier this week was that we had to pay the extra $170 for Sword Sense I would be annoyed but I’d still take it.
These controllers with sticks would be better than IC’s and there are NO other options. At least we’d be getting them.
As it is the swords are merely a Vive Wand alternative and not so much an Index Controller Alternative.
Whats the belt bucket hack?
I wonder if my asus eee Sticks could be held in place of the non-sense but keep the tracking ring around it.
I saw a long while back in a hybrid tracking setup that involved a dk2. I think they adjusted the coils in the hydra and mounted the base to a belt buckle or chest piece. If you connect the hydra then in theory to pimax hmd usb port as hydra is a wired controller. Alternatively there is the usb mini router as well to make it wireless. You can now play room scale games.
Problem I had before was bad drift/reposition
Could not find the statement at the time stamp you provided…
Indeed, this was a weird argument, seems to be a completely opportunistic view to somehow support the decision Pimax made here (aiming at commercial customers with inexperienced users and disregarding consumers/gamers). It clearly makes no sense at all - so Pimax is leading the revolution to simplify gaming concepts ? Cunning plan if neither the existing game base nor very likely the future game base will be playable with such controller - genius thinking \s
But of course he desn‘t believe that himself, he is just trying to protect his employer. While you‘re at it, don‘t forget to protect your own dignity though, dear @SweViver. If you plan on having a life in the industry post Pimax, set some limits how far you will go in defence in certain decisions of Pimax; here I would have either given the true reasoning (likely the prioritization of business use cases) or just skipped that part, if I had been you.
I don’t understand either.
let’s stay tuned
I have a hydra, this could be a fun experiment. As Ive always thought the hydra would be better than vive wands
“We have not abandoned the Sword Sense project entirely and if there is an opportunity to complete it with additional third-party support, we will give the software and drivers another go. If we are successful in developing a fully functional Sword Sense Controller our backers will be given a special discount to purchase this version. If there are more developments we will be sure to let the community know.”
Ah yes, the constant removal of kickstarter promises with promises for “special discounts” to purchase this. They keep suckering you into paying more for their crap. No thank you Pimax.
Now they post this
Cop out using Vive’s 2nd wand excuse and ignoring Vive Focus which LIKE EVERYONE ELSE managed to get a stick and a B button to work with Steam. Not sure what they are going on about but maybe they just leave it at the first 2 words “We failed”
and what is "third party capsense. Is that just a way of saying we partnered with a bunch of amateurs with no idea how to wire this stuff??
Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be an excuse. Makes sense if Valve is limiting/restricting steamvr inputs.
Well Tracking sensors are 3rdparty. So capsense sensors are not likely built in house
This is also been in part why TG0 has had some of it’s delays.
They aren’t restricting B buttons and sticks
How do you know? Oculus touch in Steamvr was mapped to emulate the trackpad much like the razer hydra. Hydra has 8 buttons. 5 buttons around the joystick plus Joystick(R3) a shoulder button and a trigger.
Last update iirc july 2020 still only mapped to emulate wands.
I know because all the other companies are using B buttons and sticks including Valve who owns Steam. Have you missed my point here?
Valve controls steam input.
Does Oculus B button work in steam as an index B button?
The stick can be mapped in the same manner as the Oculus Touch and Razer Hydra to emulate a trackpad. Same with WMR.
Otherwise why didn’t HTC do a small revision and simply add an extra button? Very simple easy add.
Here is link about Cosmos controller issues and a hack workaround to make it think Oculus Touch controller so the stick works. Using Oculus steam work around.
Mapping does not give extra functions for the extra buttons. Unless a DeV as outlined has programned support in there game for a 3rdparty controller.
So games like MSFS will directly support extra functions on WMR controllers and also programmed for IC support. Base SteamVR Controller(Wands) is supported. So if a controller emulates a wand it has support without needing specialized support.
No. Doesn’t matter. The game’s dev bindings ares diff in In Death on Oculus vs Steam but they still use all the buttons.
Index labels them AB on left and right controllers. Who cares.Thing is they include both and in a (proximity to each other) that people are used to from them being on most other controllers on the planet.
Most bindings can be remapped in SVR. Can’t remap to a button that isn’t there.
Directional stick is just that regardless of platform. Directional
Because of mapping support from steam to Oculua layer.
So yes pimax could potentially add extra buttons for Oculus support as controller is going through there layer hooking into Oculus. But for steam it would mean a Dev needs to support pimax controller directly as per Cosmos/Focus and wmr.
One dev made that comment with supporting Sword Lite controller about not sure how he could support with it missing a button. Which he doesn’t need to as long as he already supports Wands. These Sword Lite have parity with Wands. If a Wand works this Sword will.
Skeletal Input is a seperate control so if they get it figured out it could be enabled later.
This has nothing to do with Ocuuis support. Oculus didn’t invent ABXY. Forget that Pimax even runs Oculus games. Forget about ABXY. Index uses ABAB.
Steam supports controllers and a number of buttons. Everyone else know how to make use of that in their controllers. No reason Pimax can’t.
Pimax “failed” to get satisfactory IFT but lumped all the other stuff into the paragraph. It’s not that they can’t get 2 more buttons assigned on the platform they support, or even get a joystick working. They just decided to go low end and see how that goes. T-pad fans will like the 2nd gen controller.
Given all the trouble Valve had with sticks in the beginning and still some these days, I think Pimax maybe wants to steer clear for now, The partners concern alluded to.
Can’t say I blame them. A behemoth like Valve can take the hit but Pimax doesn’t really need an RMA hassle at this point.
In Oculus yes it does matter. Index is Valves controller which like other controllers with extra inputs needs game support. Read the Cosmos link. Base Steamvr controller support in games is the wands. Other controllers the game dev has to add specific support for. Index and WMR controllers have backwards support for Wands.
Otherwise the index controllers would have been niche until devs directly supported it.
To have the parity support atm for sticks would be the same way the hydra and others are using Stick emulates trackpad input in games where controller is not directly supported.
Do not confuse Steamvr motion controller for a game pad.
For your reading. He explains he hasn’t found a way to create a knuckles controller.
Make sure you read the article above as I edited in. It will help you understand OpenVR controller driver