SweViver: War Thunder on Pimax - tweaks & settings for full frame rate!

As many of you have requested this, I spent a full day testing War Thunder on Pimax 8K and 5K+, and I’ll be damned - no bad results at all! :slight_smile: Hope you will find it helpful and interesting!

As an old habit, Parallell Projection and that Mask-option was enabled. Not sure if any of these are really needed, and if not, then you can expect another 30% performance I guess!


Great video, really interesting to hear that cockpit readability is nearly identical between Pimax 5k at Pitool 1.0 and Pimax 8k at 1.25 and 8k less SDE is slightly noticiable.


Thank you very much !

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Thanks! Yep PiTool 1.25 on 8K really minimized the difference in sharpness and clarity compared to 5K+ at 1.0 in Wa Thunder. If it was quite surprising to me as well!


Elite dangerous, maybe soon, :slight_smile:
And driving around in the SRV ,:slight_smile::grinning::grin::wink: