Support cant find my ticket

my ticket number sup-99 cant be found opened 12 jan

I hope they asked you to open a new one and said they’d give it priority. Given all the login issues I wonder if there are problems with the support database.

yes but can not log in to support from pimax website password request disable
make new accounts not avaible
can see my sup directly when go to… only

sup-99 is not the normal format of the tickets… it should be something like SUPEN-99,

But if you sign into the support using the account you setup your requests should be shown top right of the screen.



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im logged in to the forum but cannot access support page password incorrect new password is disable , make new support account not avaible catch 22

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OK, so the ticket may not be lost then, if you can’t login to the support portal then you can’t see the status of your ticket.

@Sean.Huang can you please help cjselke access the support forum with his existing account



had to make a new ticket so im back on track

good to hear! hopefully you will get some traction on that ticket now.

Let us know how you go with it!


got mail i should send it in to uk . and they would send back to paypal but asked them if could send express or not. whats the max refund they could go for on shipping.
normal shipping 5-6 days abit long, or 2 days i would prefer but dubble charge.

my pimax is on the road i wish it well on the jurney
and hope i dont need make a new suppen on the new