[suggestion] - screenshot

During this testing phase it would be very useful to make screenshots of PE, it would make easier to describe the issues

  • Alternatively, we might have a preview window on desktop

  • Alternatively, we might run PE in desktop mode

I totally agree! There are two ways you can do this:

Either uncheck the “Start Pimax VR Home” in Pitool and run the PVRHome.exe manually


Go to registry;
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Pimax\ and change HomeArguments key from:
-screen-fullscreen 0 -screen-height 800 -screen-width 600 -hideWindow -silent-crashes
-screen-fullscreen 1 -screen-height 800 -screen-width 600 -hideWindow -silent-crashes

Which means set fullscreen mode. So PVRHome will always be run automatically in full screen when PiTool launches it.