Stutter or ghost like effect in right eye

When playing certain Steam VR games, for example ABE VR, I get a very annoying stutter in my right eye rendering. It is not screen ghosting and my left eye is rendering good. It breaks the 3D and makes the game unplayable when I move my head. If I stay still the stutter doesn’t happen.
I switched to 1080p resolution which improved the quality overall but the right eye still experiences the stutter.

Does anybody have this problem too?

I have tried switching back to 1080p in piplay and in steam VR settings turned off interleaved reprojection.

To help easier please post your system specs.

Sorry, that would be smart indeed

CPU: Intel Core i5-3570K @ 3400 Mhz (Stock)
RAM: 16 GB
GPU: 2 x Crossfire : Radeon HD 7970 Ghz Edition 3 GB (Tahiti XT2)
OS: Windows 7 (build 7601)

No problem.

Your setup is similar to mine. I would recommend trying Piplay 1.1.92 it supports Amd LiquidVR. 1.2.5x. On mine has alot of ghosting.

My specs
Amd fx6300
16g ram
2x7950 cf
Win 10

Just be sure to delete steamvr settings file after install.

Ok I installed Piplay 1.1.92 and I think it did solve the issue with the right eye. It still has a noticeable lag though. Again, it seems to be a software issue because it’s mostly with certain visuals, other less demanding moments render fine I think.

From what some have tested 1.2.5x maintains 60 frames more consistently where as 1.1.92 has more variance depending on sence.

Your machine like mine is under spec for recommended graphics card. If your running steamvr beta; turning super sampling down a bit should help with performance.

With the new Amd cards out; look into seeing if you can get an r9 390 cheap or upgrade to one of the Rx cards (480+) just be sure to grab the 8gig cards.

*Also play around with in game settings; start as an example without Ansioptic(sp?) & multi sampling (msaa) then increase a bit on one til quality & performance match your needs/desire.

Even try Piplay in 1080p mode.

The fact PiMax does work reasonably well with our under spec graphics cards is awesome. Hopefully once they work out the new render methodes in 1.2.5x should be even more impressive.

Tearing - is a last version issue if you have low fps. Try to lower resolution and enable interleaved re-projection in steamvr settings.

With 1.1.92 use always on reprojection, async reprojection, disabled interleaved reprojection

Thanks guys for your suggestions, it’s very helpful. I have read other topics giving these tips too but always in response to someones problem. It seems there should be document with certain recommended settings to alter for lower end machines somewhere. I have read so many threads now trying to learn about the pimax and its issues. I would also expect new versions of piplay to be better than the previous but here it seems functionalities get lost. Glad guys like you are here to help out!

I am also merely interested in getting the most out of my current setup. I’m saving up for a big upgrade in the future to an i7 and high end graphics card but my current rig is very well suited for lots of demanding games, just less perfect for VR but I don’t want to dismiss my machine just yet. So I won’t be buying slightly better graphics cards just yet

I think your current setup is very weak to handle VR (talking about “getting the most out of my current setup”)
4k in VR means at least 90 fps with 2 renders, while top graphic cars today are not even suited to handle modern games in 4k with stable 60 fps on ultra.

Example, the Division, blue is 4k resolution, single render, not a vr suited game.

What does that means? That means each VR games is looking for a lot of compromises today to handle full hd with stable 90 fps (full hd/90 fps are recommended for vr today) and 4k is something that no one really expects. If you can run full hd in VR with no screen tearing - its already good. 2k - very nice. Purchasing much powerful pc will allow you to multiply 2k by 1.5 (render multiplier) to have a picture quality above native headset resolution (4k), i guess today its only possible if you have at least 1070/80gtx with a good overclocked cpu and async reprojection enabled (which currently is supported only by pimax version 1.1.92). Thats the top quality you can get today for vr considering graphic cards on markt and hdmi bandwidth limitation.

p.s. ghosting is something that is probably never going to be fixed, ghosting was always a problem with all types of 3d since many years, especially if we talk about 4k resolution, because 4k with 90 fps is pretty much impossible today. Thats why we have such things as async reprojection, interleaved reprojection and so on, which are designed to make gaming in vr possible even if you have less then 90 fps with a cost of increased ghosting.

p.p.s. keep in mind to have this thing always enabled.

This shit is increasing perfomance very good, especially if you want to get max quality of your rig.
I guess you can turn it on and off even ingame and see if fps changes.

I know :wink: I decided to buy the Pimax 4K just for the pixel density. I have a tendency to focus on the 2D plane of the screendoor effect so I wanted the best screen available, which is the 4K screen by Pimax.
I fully accept the fact it can’t do 90 Hz. I also have no problem with 2K resolution because of my low capability of pc and gpu. I even accept 1080p as default because the screendoor effect will still be superior to other headsets. I just want to get the most out of it that I can. :slight_smile:

Truth 1080p is actually 2k. Qhd 1440p is more acurately 2.5k.

My w10 rig is interesting with steamvr test rates VR capable to just a slice into vr ready.

I do have an r9 390 8gig but i think the psu is off or something. As it should handle 1 one these cards since it currently powers 2 7950 in cross fire but won’t stay stable with a single r9 390.

Truth I know its going to be probably year before Pimax are likely to dive into building a linux version(prefer my linux pcs)

The other downside with Windows. While Windows 10 has things people dislike. Its necessary for directx 12.

I’m on Windows 7, and I only use this pc for games so would you recommend W10 for a better Pimax experience?

With Directx 12 has significant improvements in graphics over directx 11. Cpu for example is less likely to bottleneck gpu.

I’m using windows 10, i’m fine with it but cant recommend it for VR.
Direct 12 isn’t that great as they saying and even if it would - you wont find VR games with dx12.

I am still going to install W10 on an old 40 GB SSD and see if it improves anything. Can’t hurt to try :slight_smile: