Streched menus on Pimax 5k

Hello everyone,

I have a compatibility issue playing F123 with my Pimax 5k:

Actual gameplay works fine but all the menus and cinematics are streched to what seems to be the actual resolution of the headset (2460x1440) making everything look completely distorted and elongated…

Maybe If I was able to change the resolution in the vr settings menu it might end the problem but this option is greyed and therefore not available…

Have someone encountered this problem on that game or another and managed to correct it?

(I should had that I tried the parallel reprojection mode on pitool with no luck either…)


@PimaxQuorra might have some ideas.

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Unfortunately, I don’t have much input on F1 23, but let me check with other users to see if they have any ideas.


Just found out that messing with the different FOV options in pitool reduces the problem in game accordingly…
« Small » FOV displays the expected/correct resolution.
Normal is stretched and large is super stretched…
This may seem obvious but I thought it might be worth mentioning.

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This morning the be a game compatibility issue then with the menu screens not supporting wide FoV. Have you considered also contacting the game DeV?

Didn’t even consider that since I assumed this game´s support must already be over with the release of F1 24… xD
But you are right, I should adress the issue because I think the problem occurs on all the codemasters games…

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