Strange, accidental positional tracking

I just posted this on psmove service’s github. I can’t prove it, cos I can’t reproduce it, so you will have to take my word for it.

"I was messing around with latest release, trying to set the controller tracking colours, when I noticed the tracking was way off, but actually locked to my chest and hands. I could walk backwards and forwards, raise my hands up and down, and the tracking would follow them, without the controllers.

Is this normal behaviour? If so, can it be used for positional tracking?
I have tried to reproduce it, but haven’t succeeded. I use a Pimax with no positional tracking so something like that that could track body movement would be great."

Any ideas?

If memory serves the Pseye camera(ps3) came out prior to the psmove controllers. & was able to do limited tracking ie hands.

As for using it without controllers on pc? Couldn’t say but prob not that reliable. Redit would likely have better info or i think @Feranti has experience with move system… But don’t quote me lol

PSMove here with 3 cameras set up. Actually have 4 but the 4th was causing some weird tracking issues for which time was not on my side to figure out.

If you could elaborate on: [quote=“jonnypanic, post:1, topic:1596”]
I noticed the tracking was way off, but actually locked to my chest and hands. I could walk backwards and forwards, raise my hands up and down, and the tracking would follow them, without the controllers.

Kinda perplexed what has occurred here with that quote.

Although, it sure would be nice to have something like FreePie/FreePieBridge/PSMoveService for non-mobile.

I spoke to the psmove service guy on the google groups page. He said that it was an accidental byproduct of the tracking system, using colours obviously, and is how freetrack/freepie manages it. To do it on Pimax we would need a plugin.

As for what happened, I must have set the tracking colour to my jumper by mistake. On psmove config tool I had somehow activated the blue debug boxes that show the controller tracking. Only they were tracking me, not the controllers. I put the controllers out of view entirely, and psmove service still tracked me. The blue boxes even changed shape to match my hands. Ill try to get a screenshot later.

This may not be useful but it kind of shows the positional tracking tech is there, but that Pimax maybe wants to keep it closed? Give us the ability to use freetrack/freepie, please.

I was more concerned with the body tracking. Seemed to be reasonably accurate. Better than nothing at least.

This is interesting: