Hello there. My Pimax 4k works fine, played a video on it from the official program, but when I try connecting it with steamVr, it says not ready and that the headset is not connected.
Help please?
Do you have noloVR? SteamVR must be connected on pimax mode.
Hi @Sinidact , please share your PC config here, e.g.
desktop or laptop
GPU card and its driver version
use converter or USB HUB
Piplay version
You’d better give us a screenshot about SteamVR issue popup, thank you.
I have the same problem:
Windows 10 Pro
Nvidia Geforce 1070
HDMI connected directly to GFX card and USB to USB on the mainboard
PiPlay version
PiPlay says USB connected and HDMI connected
Pimax mode
In SteamVR it says:
Headset not detected
SteamVR not ready
Which Piplay Version?
If 1.1.92.
Navigate to:
Is there an pvr/bin/win32 & win64 folder with driver_pvr.dll?
Thanks for the reply.
It was version there were no drivers and reinstalling ddn’t help.
My steamapps are not installed on C drive and i figured that this might be the problem and I moved SteamVR into C drive and it started working. So the problem is solved.
I have to say that it is terrible programming if the paths are hardcoded.
Hmm, my Steam resides on G: while the OS resides on C:.
Perhaps the Piplay setup did not have write permission.
I have a similar issue and my steam folder and all games are on my F drive. My C drive is an SSD so it is small and will not fit all the games. Did you move just SteamVR to C or just the SteamVR folder to a similar path? If so can you tell me the full path? that you moved only SteamVr to?
My steam is on an E drive and my OS is on a C drive and mine works fine so its not a path issue so is something else or everyone would have the same problem