SteamVR menu is lagging when playing games

I have an annoying issue with my Pimax 8K X (DMAS version, serial number starts with 2076, FW is when playing games via SteamVR.

Ingame everything is very smooth, but when I open the SteamVR menu via the menu button on the Index controller, it’s lagging like hell. The pointer is moving like in slow motion, so it’s very hard to navigate with it.
As soon as I’m getting back into the game, everything is fine again.

This doesn’t happen to all games.

Any suggestions what could be the issue, resp. how to fix it?

My PC specs:

i5 9600K
RTX 3080

Render resolution in Pimax Play is at 1.0, render resolution in SteamVR is at 100%.
I’m playing with large FOV and 60 Hz refresh rate.

Tried to switch the refresh rate?

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Yes, but unfortunately that doesn’t change anything.

Your CPU is not a monster :wink: If this not happend in every game than try Project Lasso free software and park steam vr exe files at different core. Lets me know if that helps.

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Sorry for replying so late, but I didn’t have time to test the headset any further until today. :neutral_face:

Well, I’ve tested it a bit more with some other games.
Like I mentioned, it doesn’t happen with every game, so I really think, that my cpu is too weak for some games. :laughing:
Well, as long as the lagging is only happening when pausing the game via the steam menu button it is “OK” for me… as long as ingame everything is fine.

@Yata_PL :

Regarding your tips: I will try that. Thank you. :slightly_smiling_face:

Maybe in the near future I will buy myself a better/faster cpu. :smiley:

The issue with menu when you press steamvr button is low gpu ram, the bigger the resolution, the bigger the size of textures the more gpu memory allocated and when you open a menu it can’t allocate new batch. CPU isn’t a issue here and you can easily check it with fpsvr. Try low res steamvr overlay quality, low res in-game or decrease the quality of textures.

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Ah OK, good to know. Thanks for the hint! :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll try that, the next time I play with my Pimax.

How to do that? :face_with_raised_eyebrow: