SteamVR Fail - how do you fix this?

Help me out guys, 90% of the time I try and use my 5K+ I get SteamVR fail messages - e.g. 309, 118 etc.

I’m running the latest Pitools and firmware, plus I’ve dropped off the SteamVR beta, but nothing seems to help.

It can take my 30 mins to get into SteamVR, it’s a nightmare!!

Right-click on SteamVR and select “Properties”. Click on the “Local Files” tab.
Click Check Integrity


I didn’t think that would work, but it did!

Thanks :partying_face:


Good catch. :+1:
That’s my first go to when SteamVR misbehaves. SVR files have corrupted more than once on me (especially on updates) and my internet line quality is A+.


I do this once a week. I have a beta that is updated almost once a day.


My celebrations were premature becuse the problem has not gone away.

The only way I can get into SteamVR is by rebooting my machine, which is really annoying.

Running Steam as an administrator can solve this problem:

Go to the folder with Steam installed (often C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Steam);
Right-click Steam.exe;
Select Properties;
Go to the “Compatibility” tab;
Check the box “Run this program as administrator”.

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didn’t work.

i have to reboot to get into steamVR, if i have already opened and closed it.

Since you get a Steam fail message, have you opened a ticket with Steam?

Try repairing the library.

Steam > Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders > Right click > Repair

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Hi mintus55:

pls send me a log when the steamVR is shutdown again.
my e-mail adderss:

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@Alex.liu Where are the log files you want?

There is an export log button in the help interface of Pitool.

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… same here: i have to reboot to get steam vr to work!
(drivers, etc. all updated!)
“run as admin” or “Steam Library Folders > Right click > Repair” has no effect.

My steam behaves like this: I can start 1x steamVR after booting, then not anymore. But it works by going directly to a vr program like fpsVR and starting it.

I am on old pitool 180 because of backlight setting.

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