SteamVR Dashboard

Hi Guys,
How do you get rid of the anoying SteamVR Dashboard?

Every time I start a SteamVR game the dashboard pops up and I can’t see how to turn it off.

Thanks for any suggestion.

I know it probably simple when you know how.


Hi Luke, did you mean this issue?

“Launch Steam VR Dashboard (on xbox controller i do it by pressing silver X button)”

Luke is looking to launch games without the need to launch steamVR dashboard.

Similarly you can launch steam games without the steam runtime.

No, I don’t want to launch it. I want to get rid of the dashboard.
It overlays the game in the HMD and I don’t know how to turn it off so I can play the game.

Why are there never any instructions for VR programs? Have people lost the art of writing?


How do you do that?
Steam always starts when I start SteamVR.

Tbh not sure haven’t looked into. Just know you launch games without reg steam ovr. Just was trying to add clarity to support. Might be an idea to see if steam forums have something. Feel free to add me on steam same name as here.

So, back to my problem.
Obviously no one knows how to get rid of the SteamVR dashboard from overlaying the game in the HMD.

Well, in SteamVR Beta, there is an option to disable the VR Dashboard & to Disable SteamVR from starting when app/game starts.

SteamVR Beta:

Launch it, right click SteamVR (The status dialog box with HMD/Controllers/Camera icons).

Choose Settings/Developers, there should be various options to choose from.

Is it also being displayed on the main system display or only on the PIMAX display?

I found a way to disable the dashboard.
Here : VRidge - Play PC VR games on your Cardboard

  1. Right click SteamVR in Steam library
  2. Click Set launch options
  3. Type or paste: -nodashboard
  4. Click Ok and Close.

Hi crony,
Thank you very much.
That worked.

Only Pimax display and SteamVR Morror (of course)

Thanks for you replies everyone.
All ok now.
For instructions on how please see crony’s reply.
