Steam VR tracking module (for position tracking)

It seems to me that since positional tracking is lacking on pimax, this could really help with position tracking for the HMD.

Another tip, People are complaining about the dull color and low contrast, It could be worth removing the blue light filter at your own risk VR ¸Å´Ï¾Ç : ³×À̹ö Ä«Æä

Another tip for the engineers also, would be this.

Since your HMD only has HDMI 1.4, you should perform adaptive chroma sub-sampling so you can push 60hz native. I don’t know what the sub pixel arrangement is, but if it is RGB stripe, you could remove some blue chroma without impacting quality. If pentile, you could remove some green without impacting quality. Also, have you tried 3440x1440 as a possible trade off resolution? That should be a bit easier on HDMI 1.4 bandwidth wise.

Thank you for your tips.

Here: the blue light article was tough to translate because the frames in the web page kept messing google translate up. I managed to get it to work by isolating the frame:

Note: the google translation for Korean is the worst I’ve seen it at, not very easy to understand.

The blue light lense is actually some kind of shutter glass technology, Thats why they keep saying you can turn it off with movie mode