Something loose inside my Pimax 8K! As soon as I took them, I noticed it

@anon74848233 @Pimax-Support

Look at the marks left by the visor inside… Of the box to be somewhere pressed

And the worst doesn’t end there…

When you take them to see them and check their weight.

When you move them a little, it sounds like a screw or plastic inside the casing.

Like something loose was left inside.

I have to mount the new Pc to see if it works properly.

But it’s not normal that something sounds and rolls inside when you move or rotate them.

Let’s hope they work

The moment I’ve tried them, I’ll comment more.


@Pimax-Support @deletedpimaxrep1 @anon74848233
After a month of waiting and the illusion to receive my Pimax I find myself with this problem as soon as I catch them.:cold_sweat::fearful::triumph:

This is the great quality control of each viewer before they are shipped?

Allow my doubt.

I hope and desire that they work well.

But I don’t see it normal to leave a piezscrew or any loose object in the inner shell of the Pimax 8k?

I will continue reporting here…

I hope there is a solution for this setback.


For whatever its worth- I got mine today and there’s an impression in the foam of my box as well. No loose pieces tho- I hope nothing too serious.


Be sure to send a support email. But not not good.

I had a slight crinkle on my box but nothung major. @riccardo.

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Yeah it just looks like the weight of a few pimax boxes on top of each other. Mine is running fine- just not tracking :confused:

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Sorry to hear on tracking. Can you gentlemen give me date of receipt? I will update backer list in review directory.

Is that the shared doc? I had filled some of it out a while back. I can complete it now that I have mine in hand. Mine landed this morning via UPS.

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There’s that one. In the banner topic there is a link for backer reviews. It is a wiki post so anyone can edit following the format there.

I will need to however update titles with which headset you received.

I just hope that object is not hitting or has hit the screen, glasses, etc…

I also notice that the lenses arrive without any kind of protective plastic.

Which in the rest of the visors on the market they wear to avoid possible damage.

Is this the case with all shipments?
@anon74848233 @Pimax-Support


Protective plastic if you mean on lenses. This was normal in mine units.

Yeah, I mean that.

My Pimax unit has arrived without protective plastic.

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That seems to be normal in my xp. It’s packed well enough. But a peel off film might be sn idea for extra precaution. @anon74848233

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Just as a precaution, it would not be good to turn them on without knowing the cause of that sound.

Maybe it is worse to turn them on and cause some failure or major damage.

I don’t know what to do…

You can answer @Pimax-Support @deletedpimaxrep1 @anon74848233


I think you got the fortune cookie edition


Sounds more like fortune screwie edition.


Even if the headset can be turned on, using the IPD setting is probably too risky. Hope the cause can be identified quickly.

On my 8K the headphone jack is loose (music only sounds on one side) and the microphone is broken. (Reported to Pimax on Nov 8th, Teamviewer session on Nov 29th and announced exchange, still waiting for contact through support)

@Riccardo If the tracking does not work, it may help if BIOS and motherboard drivers are updated. (As already described in the forum.) The LED on the headset should light up green, the distance to the base station should not be too low (at least about 1.5m) and the headset has to be slightly moved for detection in Pitool. Afterwards SteamVR setup can be started.

The pressure points in the foam were also present in my packaging and seem to be normal.

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Yeah, right.

I can use it as a rattle.

Maracas, etc…


It seems like something detached (hope not broken) from your HDM, turn it on and try it, give it its last chance …

Really worried about the high rate of bad units backers are getting. These problems needs to be addressed it not acceptable.


That unit is probably not double checked for quality. Maybe it’s the loose pixels thats making the sound.