Someone made a remake of Silent Hill PT and now it's fully playable in vr! Any Pimax users have the courage to try this heh?

Here’s the post including all the info:

I played it with my vive and it looked REALLY good, but obviously couldn’t get past the first part as i’m a big wimp lol. Someone with a pimax try it and let us know how it is


When I have inet again will need to check it out. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:

Now if only re7 would hurry up & release the pc vr version.


Btw download this this week, cause the dev is taking it down next week (konami are a-holes)


Grrr… How big is it? Will need to find a wifi hotspot.

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About 600 mb. No worries I think I’ll be able to send it to you if it gets taken down before you try it

Gameplay on this maybe @SweViver @VoodooDE @Ludiks ? Or anyone really


I will try it later in the day and let you know, unless someone do it before but I am not able to try it right now :scream:


Exactly. :+1::beers: x 2020

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This is great news. Right up my street


I tried it quickly,
Works but controls are wierd with wands, can see thru doors and walls, no body or even hands.
Good graphics but bad controls.


that cool i am gonne try it for sure…


Hi guys. I try to open Unreal 4 Sillent Hill PT VR in PIMAX 5K but I get the following: Assertion failed: Size X <= GetMax2DTextureDimension0 [File: D: \ build \ ++ UE4 + Release-4.19 + Compile \ Sync \ Engine \ Source \ Runtime \ Windows \ D3D11RHI \ Private \ D3D11Texture.cpp] [line: 506] Has anyone tried or fixed this error?
Download link Sillent Hill PT (PC)

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Quickly this sounds like too much SuperSampling. Try to lower SS in Steam maybe.

Tested this game also, but the Vive is such an immersion breaker I just went thru a few loops of the corridor. Waiting for the Pimax.

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Try small FoV & pitool at 0.75

Yeah, same here. I tried it out but the lack of controllers was weird. My character also had a constant drifting movement going on for some reason. The graphics were good but performance was bad for me on my 1080ti. I didn’t see any kind of options screen to adjust settings in game and I wasn’t impressed enough with it to bother going through various Pitool or SteamVR SS settings to try and improve the performance. I already deleted it from my computer.

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There are controllers… just select “use vr controllers” at the start and it’ll show in game

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That’s strange. I did select that at the start and nothing showed up in game. The controllers did work because I used them to move around but no controller image was visible in the game. I might download it again and give it a second shot.


Another pimax compatibility issue like blade and sorcery maybe?

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True hands are not visible, but you get a flashlight later which IS visible. Dunno if bug or intentional.
This is also with vive.

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Are you supposed to be able to interact with the environment in any way? I tried pressing the trigger and grip buttons on some items in the environment and it didn’t do anything.

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I’m not sure bro, I’ll test more tonight. The whole game seemed a bit confusing.

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