Sold my pimax 8kx today,so what should i get next lol?

i just sold my 8kx today… so whats next to buy lol?,By the way i realy like the quest 3 screens(looked better then the 8kx,thats why i sold it)

but fov in the quest 3?

Thats offcourse missing… But clarity makes things up to it…

it’s an eternal debate, FOV VS CLARITY

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i real like the crystal clarity and fov is better than the quest i think

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I dream of more clarity on the 8KX in normal FOV but I am at max graphics performance but it is true that sometimes I would like more clarity under MSFS or DCS so I understand a sale of 8kx for another VR headset, it is frustrating

The clarity is unmatched from the pimax crystal,but i couldnt stand the warping at the sides from the lenses and the blooming and the bulky ness…

But the picture for the rest was a winner…

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The Quest 3 indeed has very good lenses and good screens which make up for a lot. Add to this the small form factor, leading to good comfort (with the BoboVR M3 Peo strap) and wireless at a friendly price point, and I am currently not really tempted by the Aero, Beyond or Crystal. I will see to try them in direct comparison though, perhaps at MRTV‘s place.

Out of curiosity - what did you get in return for your 8KX? Although I‘d like to keep it for my gallery, if it was a significant amount I could consider selling it now and buying a defective version some day for cheap. I doubt I would want to fire it up again in a couple of years; the mere thought of figuring out the required Pitool version & firmware just for short trip down memory lane (and eye strain lane) almost let‘s me shiver…


i use the quest 3 for now,because i liked the picture better then on the 8kx… its realy sharp(for me close to the varjo vr3 but with a better sweetspot…)

Sorry, I meant in terms of money :slightly_smiling_face:

i did get 900 euro,but i was very lucky i think

You are a lucky man! That‘s quite the price I have to say.

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You sold headset only in this price or along with base station and controller, Asking it because I also have ( 8KX - 2075 version + 2 Knuckle controller and 1 HTC base station ) which I bought in 2021 but very rarely used in all these years and today I am getting an offer around 950 USD so I am thinking to sell

i was lucky,it was only the headset with the dmas… Now they sell second hand alot cheaper…