So today its the pimax chrystal launch(europe time),so i am curious what we can expect at our last day from the pimax 7th Anniversary Event

The concensus (albeit with limited numbers so far) is that there are no real ‘game stoppers’ with the Crystal, but there are things that need to be refined. All the ‘samplers’ so far seem delighted with the clarity and resolution of the HMD.


Yeah generally getting that impression. I think certain things like build quality might be subjective and some people will write off a device instantly based on one subjective aspect.

It does seem like the controller tracking needs work still but hopefully those radio components getting replaced helps fix that, and I think it’s definitely something they can do. We also have options in the meantime like using LH controllers like with the Reverb G2. Overall I’m feeling very positive about the crystal now, was a bit iffy on day 1 of the roadshow but seems more positive in general now.

I’m pretty sure the answer is: “No, it is not true”.

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What if people already have the Lighthouse and Valve controllers and they don’t want the inside out tracking and Pimax controllers? It doesn’t make sense to throw that in…would it make sense to remove those and save money and use it towards other components? It would be cool to have option to select what you want to buy?

Yeah, that’s what I would like to see as well!
Already have a Valve Index with controllers and a lighthouse. I don’t need another set of controllers, especially since I don’t use any controllers as a flight simmer. I have my yoke, joystick and pedals for that. Don’t play any other games.


They mentioned that they are looking into that as an option. I guess it will be an option when the LH faceplate launches (which was originally meant to be a couple of months after launch but now that crystal is delayed again maybe it might be the same time?).

It seems like it will be an option anyway.

In that case, wouldn’t you be better getting the normal crystal and just selling the knuckles and base stations? You should get like 300-400 for them secondhand, pretty nice discount from the crystal and then you still have the crystal controllers as a backup if you ever need them.

Hi @SmallBaguette,

I think the other way round.
I would much prefer to just be able to buy the Crystal headset only and keep my base station for my 5k+, the 8kx and the Index.
The controllers are not needed anyway in my case.


While I have no way of knowing, I suspect the cameras used for SLAM are part of the base unit, rather than fitted in a removeable faceplate module. I expect such modules (for e.g. Lighthouse tracking, or pass-through cameras), likely to not replace the casing front, but to attach over it.

Manufacturing and stocking a separate SKU without the cameras may well be more trouble than their component cost.

This is what I don’t get about Pimax. When your Primary headset needs thinks like face plates why do you suddenly go off in a tangent and employ an extra 100 people, make a console that nobody wants and nobody asked for and leave people like myself and all the other Index owners unable to use the controllers they’ve been using for the last 3 years. The controllers that are the still the most advanved in the VR space rendered unusable untill months later. Makes no sense.


It’s kind of ironic that many of us brought into the Lighthouse system by Pimax initially couldn’t buy a complete system from them. Just the headset.
Now that we want just the headset upgrade we are presented we a full IO system and a faceplate purchase.

I have invested hundreds in Lighthouse and am not looking to replace it or my Index controllers. If Pimax puts up a (Crystal headset/SVR face plate only bundle ) and they don’t screw up the face plate I will consider it but I won’t pay for a redundant system i don’t need.
@PimaxUSA Pimax had no problem throwing a whole slew of models at us there for a while. Why not make a model of the Crystal without IO tracking but with the LH tracking of your current series. You could call it THE ENTHUSIAST after all those of us Pimax has introduced to the LH universe. :smiley:


I discussed it briefly with the Pimax (Production?) COO (a woman, not Kevin) at the MRTV event. She said they would be looking at a pure PCVR version once the Crystal is done. As she put it, to remove components generally isn’t very difficult. However, when I asked if the XR2 chip could be removed, she hesitated as it appears thatit is being used for tethered PCVR too for upscaling of the compressed picture, so they would need to get another (read: cheaper) SoC to replace its function. The only change she addressed herself was that you’d need less RAM on such a system.

Let’s turn it around: what would we believe should be abandoned from the Crystal (and later 12K) to get us the best PCVR headset at hoepfully a more affordable price than what it being asked for the two headsets currently?
This may coincidentally also remove pain points Pimax may or may not be able to resolve satisfactorily in the coming months, i.e. those features they have little experience in and which are not ready for show-time on the Crystal yet.

Here’s my checklist of what I believe can be debated whether it’s needed or not:

  • Wireless: imho a definite yes please!
  • Eye-tracking: for the Crystal it may not be crucial, but for a 12K it absolutely would be, at least if some form of reliable DFR can be achieved end2end.
  • Stand-alone XR2: obviously not necessary
  • mixed reality (elements which are not limited to the optional MR faceplate if any): in my view should be ommitted for such a PCVR only version unless it would hardly save any cost.
  • controllers: we can use Index controllers, if we use lighthouse anyway; but I am aware that PCVR does not mean that lighthouse is a given. But usually Pimax offer both headsets only and full sets so no issue.
  • battery: if we go wireless, which I believe is of great added value, we need to keep it.

So at the end it is a bit sobering to see that there is hardly anything than the XR2 SoC what I deem superfluous, and that would apparently need to be replaced in some for too.

Anybody any further thoughts on this?

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I think the xr2 handles the inside out tracking too.

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The idea of changing components by going to a cheaper SoC (xr2 is already cheap) and all the work that involves, makes little sense. I guess removing some ram, the facial tracking stuff. I guess that would make it cheaper but by what, like 30-50 bucks?

The only logical conclusion is release a model of the crystal that comes with the LH faceplate and no controllers, for the same price as the normal crystal. That solution makes sense for everyone imo.


I have a small contribution to the Crystal thread here


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