Should I change my 8K for the 5K plus?

@SweViver @VoodooDE @mixedrealityTV
Thanks you for your commitment guys!

I’ve prepare a list of questions for the “Pimax 5K+ Vs 8K debate” if you be would kind enough to consider them in your upcoming reviews after the16 September!

Ok waiting for the 16 September for the NDA lift off! But in the mean time some of us will have to “begin” to decide if we switch. This will be hard because we can try and compare the headsets for our self.

base: The resolution of 5K (22560x1440) is less than 8K (23840x2160) but the input resolution is the same so in theory details should about the same less the dithering/scaling algorithm

So here some questions for the testers

1: Is the SDE really lower on the 8K than one the 5K+? can you give us a close up image capture thru the
lens? or without if the lens are easy to remove :wink: (from me and zuiquan1)
2: What is the exact resolution of the new panels for the 5K+
3: What is the real maximum refresh rate for the 5K+, Real application results?
4: Can you measure maximum brightness with a instrument and give us real values on both headsets?
5: compare black level “Intensity” on dark scenes, any gray artifact visible?
6: with MSAA enabled does the 8K produce a better image than the 5K+
7: does the 5K+ have the exact same FOV than the 8K? Real measurements knowing the inherent limitation of such quantification… please compare vertical and horizontal FOV.
8: Is the electronics on the 5k+ exactly the same than the one on the 8K? aka everything is done with a only different firmware?
9: exact same lens set on both headsets ? ( This almost certainly the case)

10: Will the 8K support some special higher input mode with a lower refresh rate ( more than 2560x1440 lower than 80hz) that would give it a advantage vs the 5K+?
A: 60hz Promised by Robin on the 8K, but the upscaler can’t be bypassed so increasing the resolution isn’t possible.

11: Any heat difference after a prolonged usage?
12: If a pimax 8k backers decides to switch to 5k plus, will it take longer to receive their hmd? ( from Mattan)
13: What will it cost to switch?
A : You get a 100$ rebate on Pimax accessories.
14: Any ghosting on rapid upward downward movements? compare the apparent fluidity of the 5K+ vs 8K
15: Does the 5k+ have the same IPD range as the 8K
16: To the testers Honestly, what would be your choice if you had only on to keep :wink:


I will post a link in the closed group to your topic for them to answer those questions after the 16; though I am certain the info your looking for will be posted in their assessments for you to make a more informed decision. :beers::sunglasses::+1::sparkles:


Thanks, I will try to ask them very specific questions and for once in this campaign hope to have details and exact answers!

anybody please feel free to tell me if your what to know something else I will add it to my list!

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I ll wait for the 16th to decide.

I think what games you will be playing will also be a large factor.

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Your right! it will be interesting to see some testers come to difference conclusion for different reasons

I hate having to choose without testing myself

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You should’ve been there to test it for yourself then.

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Lol yeah I’ll just fly to Germany…easy…


Nah use the Portal Authority from EARTH FINAL CONFLICT:beers::joy::+1::sparkles:


Perhaps you could start a topic in the testers forum, “Questions from the forum.”

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Psst did that with above post about link.

But if someone would like to track questions & compile a list & present it a 2 to 4 days before the 16th will work nicely. To give them a heads up.

Note they may want questions sooner.

The fact that if you drop 8K down to 5K plus, you get $100 back tells me 5K plus is not as good as 8K!!

If 5K backers get to upgrade 5K Plus for FREE, we should get 8K X upgrade for FREE as well, not dropping it down to a lower version.

You must consider that technically the 8K and the 5K+ have the same effective resolution unless they increasing the frame rate or/and they include some new AI technique and super resolution like in the new NVIDIA cards you can’t see more details in one headset than other. MSAA (anti-alinazing) only give you a better “look” to your image. So the question is with MSAA enabled does the 8K produce a better image than the 5K+

Not 100% right I’ve neglected to take in consideration the screen usage, in this case the 5K+ is probably

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@SweViver can I ask a simple question.
I have a standard 1080 non ti. Is that going to drive the 8k well enough to keep my 8k pledge. Not trying to put you on the spot, but after this weekend, your input is appreciated and valuable.


That’s what I’m wondering too


I’m an 8K Pledgeed and have the first GTX1080, this is my main concern for me, because I’m not planning on upgrading the GPU just for Pimax 8K. Would it be enough to power the 8K without FrameDrops?


Keep in mind there was a slight mix up with the identification of units at the Berlin meet up, some of those attending the event mis-identified one of the 5k units as an 8k. You will see a number of people saying there was discrepancies between two of the 8k units. I think they had made this more obvious later, the newer videos of feedback should be more accurate.

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Before any update on the answers I Will wait for a full review and comparaison 5kp vs 8k from our 3 majors YouTubers/testers

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Pimax could maybe offer an option to add the other HMD to your existing order (at KS cost). Yes you pay more but then you can decide which is best with your own eyeballs and Ebay the one you don’t like. Although you would have to sell it without warranty.