I might get one while waiting for the 8kx
Yes you can use all vive things
Wasn’t there something to do with v1 trackers not working with v2 tracking or something?
Well, if you’ve already found it, so even more information can find itself
There are two base station versions.
V2 basestations will not track v1 devices.
V1 base stations will track v1 and v2 devices.
thats the relationship.
The pimax headset uses v2 sensors. I as a vive owner will be able to use it with my existing set up.
Dumb question why does v2 sound worse than v1.
V2 basestation encodes additional information into the laser flash. V2 sensors can “fall back” to V1 mode so you can use Pimax HMD and controllers with V1 basestation, but V2 basestation cannot fall back into V1 mode because of the different construction of the lasers.
The reason is to make basestation cheaper (which is an advantage in some way) and to allow more than two basestation to operate over the same area (because now they can be distinguished by the info they emit), which allows larger areas to be tracked.
Dumb #2 question:
Can V1 Basestations/Controllers be used with a Pimax 4K and SteamVR titles ? I understand that the 4K doesn’t have tracking sensors, but was thinking if it would be possible to couple it with Vive controllers, for playing games like Skyrim VR , Fallout VR etc.
Yes, vive wands & base stations can be used without a headset by setting no headset in a config file.
The question is on the otherhand could you use a vive tracker for headset tracking?
V2 basestations are also more robust because they have less moving parts and leds inside. It is a by far smarter concept.