Send me my Eye Tracker

I can’t believe Pimax is doing this again. Just completely ignore my messages after telling me all will be fine and checked. Must mean they are in the wrong and just avoid confrontation like the horrible company they’ve shown us to be many times over.

Eye Tracking module: SO18400

Last Private Message chat with @PimaxQuorra was 6 days ago:

Since then many reminders were sent but no response, not even a simple ‘we’re still awaiting blabla info’

Why is a FedEx label printed but never handed to them by your logistics team?
It’s been not sent for over 3 weeks now. Fix this.

Send me my Eye Tracker Module, Pimax


Nice, after the Chinese holiday I get another reply! Happily I check what they wrote and oh look! It’s another regurgitation of my tracking number. Thank you! That is indeed the tracking number I SENT TO YOU to check the status of.

You also asked if there was anything they could help me with. Well, Pimax, there is.

Why are YOU holding my eye tracker? You = Pimax the company. Go check and see IN your company why the eye tracker is not beging sent out to FedEx.

I already know a label has been printed. I also already know my tracking code.

Did you guys just decide to reset everything? Was that a good idea you think?

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