I have been playing room scale VR for a while now. I love it and it works great. That said I recently got into sim racing and purchased a new sim rig which is outside of my room scale area that I have (lighthouses hard mounted to the walls…not moving them). I would like to use the built in 9-Axis mode that the Pimax 5K Plus supports. So far I have changed PiTool over to use the 9-Axis instead of the Lighthouses and have setup my “room” where I will be sitting in the cockpit of my rig. PE comes up like it should and when I select “Start SteamVR” this comes up as well as it should (using mouse in PE).
This is where I get stuck. In the headset I can see a small blue circle where ever I look, but the mouse is no longer available. Pressing left click or enter on my keyboard and mouse does nothing while in SteamVR. Is there anyway to select items in SteamVR using the headset? I assume there must be a way since the small blue “dot” is on the screen. Or is that there for something else?
Any advise will be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time,
I found somewhere that dot can be used with voice commands, it was somewhere in reddit, but I do not know any more. I tried, didn´t work for me Search “reddit steamvr big white dot”.
But do not use that, install and turn on PE (pimax experience). It is much better, and it works with mouse also.
I am using PE already…So you are suggesting go to my game library in PE and start the game from there instead of starting SteamVR first
What happens when I close the game this way? Does it take me back to SteamVR or back to PE? If it takes me back to SteamVR than I am still in the same boat and will have to take off my headset and walk over to my PC monitor as once in SteamVR my M&K as well as the HMD can do nothing (that I am aware of).
My main goal is to sit in the cockpit of the rig and be able to start games, switch racing games, make setting changes in PE, etc…all without having to take off the headset or get out of the rig. Just like I would do in room scale. Once I put on the HMD I didn’t have to take off unless I was finished playing.
Negative. I and sitting in a sim rig with a wheel and pedals, while I have a wireless M&K combo to use with PE. I am not facing my monitor or in a position to look at it. I start PE on my desktop, get in my rig putting on my HDM, make any setting changes in PE using my wireless M&K, and I then want to start playing a game by selecting a game in PE/starting SteamVR and selecting a game in there. My issue is that once I start SteamVR I cannot do anything. I have to get out of the rig, walk back over to my desktop, select the game I want to play, and go back to the rig. I do not want to do this (I know…LAZY). I want to know if there is a way for me to sit in my rig, put on my HMD and not have to take it off/leave the cockpit unless I am done playing. Seeing I can do this exact thing in room scale mode (using index controllers of course with SteamVR)…is there a way to do this without VR controllers and room scale is the question.
Thus I asked if I start the game from PE, this will allow me to stay in the rig, but once I close the game am I taken back to PE or back to SteamVR. If I am taken back to SteamVR I will have to get out of the rig, walk over to my desktop and select another game/close SteamVR to get back to PE, and then get back in the rig.
I do not want to get out of the rig until I am finished playing…is this possible using 9-Axis mode with PE?
Maybe you may search for hydra vr virtual controllers, I was using that before just with steamvr button, buttons left and right. link2
(you need that obsolete thing there, with hydras or driver4vr - hydras are free. But you need probably more infos on hydras macros for other buttons/triggers. It is possible, but not simple…)