Sebastian showing Pimax controllers

My question is can you make them bigger so you can change size for the hand on them like vavles knuckels?

For me they look about as small as touch controllers with is a big no no for me.


I like! How will they track fingers? Via the grip was it?

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Cap sense for each finger.

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I hope they don’t have any grip buttons in the end. :cold_sweat:

Looks great but I think we need a third button for menus, like the touch controller.


That’s on the other side i think

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In the KS campaign they said he was going to have cap sense for each finger

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Menu button coming.


I know, I know; and Kevin (Head of USA) said that too.


I’m just curious… why shouldn’t they have any grip buttons? I understand that they will have ‘cap sense’… but for compatibility with some existing software… wouldn’t they be needed?


Kudos to Valve & Nvidia for helping Pimax out. Excited to hear what it will entail. Hopefully something that involves the foveated rendering potential once the eye tracking gets out to backers.


I definitely want grip button and cap sense on top of the grip button. Have people not tried Touch controllers? Why would you go backwards from here?


No, because the button is just equal to open or close hand. In any case, it seems that by position and number, they do not coincide with those of the HTC Wand.

No it doesn’t just coincide with open/close hand. Go and try Touch controllers and then tell me you want less functionality than their grip system.
You have open hand, half closed hand, gripped hand which devs can map as they please. Same with trigger and thumbstick - not touching, touching, pressing. It makes a huge difference to realism with your hands.
You can thumbs up, you can point, you can give an okay signal, you can slap hands or shake hands, you can hold something loosely or you can squeeze it. It changes the way your hands are used.


You can use shifting? Ie baby finger on cap 1 set of functions. Off another set

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Yes, I know, it’s better with knuckles. With a Grip button it’s only hold or drop.

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I love Seb but I wish he didn’t repeat everything 3 times.


It could be programmed.

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No it’s not. You’re not understanding what I’m saying. Seriously go try Touch controllers, it’s not just a grip button, it is more than on/off. It knows if you’re not touching it (open palm), it knows if you’re touching it but not pressing it, it knows when you’re pressed it and it could be an analog axis as well.


Indeed this is also how they made the thumbsticks.

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