Screen flicker ever 3 seconds

Well, here’s another problem that came out of nowhere. Just plugged the Pimax in and it as well as the main display flicker every 3 seconds.

About fed up with this product. I just want something to watch movies and it’s like every fucking day there’s a new problem that arises.

Hi, through your brief description, it maybe a issue of your video card driver. I’m glad to provide assistance for you by Skype:

Nope. It was not my video card driver. It was your PiPlay Beta software. I uninstalled it and reinstalled the latest release and it went away.

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Hi, I hade a same problem like yours. With the latest nvidea video card driver #382,33. disply flickering every 3 seconds and head set led changes from red to blue. I solved it, by switching off / on the head set and start Steam session in the main screen of Pimax 1.2.75. Think the connection with Steam Plattform is the reason for flickering and chaging the color of the LED. When I didn’t use the head set , I switch it off. Starting Pimax, switch it on , wait approx. 10 seconds, head set is detected , after that I start Steam VR. Everything works fine.

cheers, Eike