Saturation slider

I was playing skyrimVR and one of the mods add option to change color saturation. That is HUGE how game can look with more vibrant colors. So I was thinking.

If we can set saturation in game then what’s the problem to add saturation slider to pitool? That would be one of the best thing in my opinion. If you agree please push this topic forward so pitool’s magicians can see it :slight_smile:


The existing Contrast setting will actually improve the color saturation.

I use Contrast +1 and Brightness -1 with Backlight at 3 (one notch down from max). That helps quite a bit. Some people use Contrast +2 and Brightness -2, so feel free to experiment. The reason you should decrease the Brightness (not the backlight) is that it will help prevent “blow out” in the lightest parts of the image, due to the increased contrast. I’ve found that increasing the Backlight brightness helps make the image feel “more real” especially for lights and specular reflections.


In the 8kx I found that the contrast setting washed out black text on white background to the point i had to set it back down to 0 to get a reasonable reading experience.


It sounds like it’s app/game dependent. My settings work great on my 8K in Elite Dangerous and Half-Life: Alex, but I can believe it could cause problems for some content.

Did you try lowering the brightness, while increasing the contrast? That will deepen dark areas and shadows.

I guess saturation just another matter & we probably can have another scale for it, at least brightess backlight slider with maxed scale.

Coz contrast crushes colours a lot & it’s not way to fix, while in some cases it can enhance overall experience it always hit & miss as it cause issues in lot of other cases.

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I’m sure it works well on most games, but on virtual desktops trying to see normal text it’s not amazing.

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My contrast and brightness are ok. But saturation makes color more live.

Go to your nvidia control panel -> adjust desktop color setting
Change “Digital Vibrance” slider and tell me it’s not a huge difference.

You can’t saturate colors with brightness slider.
People complaining on washed colors. That’s your solution. Am I really alone here?


High saturation can have an immediate “wow” effect, when a/b comparing many people prefer the more saturated look. (Which is why TVs in shops are usually set up like that). Like many think that audio recordings sound better when they are louder (or more compressed/limited towards loudness). But imho in the long run more natural colors or dynamics give a more pleasant experience - like sweet bonbons, saturated bonbon colors can be nice until you had too much of them.

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I don’t think in pimax colors are natural. I think they are washed.

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Nope,the 8k+ colors are fine for me. Like the old 8k. I’ve seen other LCD HMDs that were really bad.


did you try 5k+ any comparison between 8k & 8k+?

I had an old 202 model 5K+…colors weren’t good, I needed to use the contrast/brightness sliders (when that update came out) to make it look decent…the 8KX is good with colors, natural-looking. FYI I think the Index is a bit too saturated/vivid for my eyes. I didn’t even think to change anything on the X from default after a few hours of testing…but I did notice after a while things were a bit washed due to the brightness…the X is decent at -1 brightness…I wish we could do 0.5 Contrast because it won’t crush bright colors as much as +1.


Sorry have Never had a 5k in my Hands.
Just look only some 5k TTL vids, see the thewashed blue look, nearly the much more poorly Lenovo Explorer. SoI have bought the 8k because the better colors, better black and a little bit more details with enough SS.

The 8k+ is nice in my eyes. (-1/+1 bright/contrast.)
Have work more then 20years in print graphics. For a LCD, this is nearly natural. Not an crazy Oled Bonbon.

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